Biographical entry: Banks, Sir Joseph (1743 - 1820)



Journals, manuscripts and papers.


As well as accompanying Cook's large scientific team on his first voyage to the Pacific and Australia, Banks was an advocate of settlement at Botany Bay; he took a great interest in the early settlement and was regarded by the British Government as a principal advisor on the enterprise. As President of the Royal Society and an enthusiastic sponsor of scientific and especially botanical, exploration, Banks exerted a very wide influence.

The principal manuscript collections at the National Library of Australia are:

1. Banks' Endeavour Journal, 1768-1771, microfilm National Library of Australia MFM.G.1901.

2. Sir Joseph Banks: a guide to his papers. This collection of 143 items is available in the Manuscript Reading Room National Library of Australia MS. 9.

3. Additional manuscripts relating to Banks include the Cook manuscripts, MS. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 and the Linnean Society, manuscripts, microfilm MFM. M.596-597.

The National Library holds a pencil drawing of Sir Joseph Banks by George Dance, signed, and a water-colour portrait, signed: T.M.V., copied from the original painting by William Parry. A large collection of original prints is also held.