Biographical entry: Hamilton, William, Captain (1852 - 1937)



Ship's logs, diaries, reports, 1882-1905. Captain William Hamilton engaged in three enterprises in the Pacific Islands: pearling, planting and the labour trade. Some of his papers have been microfilmed by the Pacific Manuscripts Bureau, as follows:

1. Diary of a recruiting voyage in the schooner Lochiel from Brisbane to the New Hebrides, 20 September-29 December, 1882.

2. Diary of a recruiting voyage in the schooner Jessie Kelly from Brisbane to the New Hebrides, New Britain and New Ireland, March-September 1883.

3. Two reports on voyages in search of pearl shell in New Guinea and the Solomons, 1899-1900.

4. Log of the pearling lugger Nippon, 20 April-24 September 1901, kept at the Hamilton Pearling Company's station at Komuli, Admiralty Islands.

5. Log of the Hamilton Pearling Company's station at Komuli, 27 September 1902-10 March 1903.

6. Logs and diaries kept by William Hamilton in the vessels Canomie, Ysabel, Gazelle and Kambin, 1 January 1903-14 November 1905. These vessels were then operating for the Hamilton Pearling Company. Microfilm. National Library of Australia MFM PMB15.