Corporate entry: Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia


Papers 1928-1959. The Flying Doctor Service was the inspiration of the Reverend John Flynn, founder of the Australian Inland Mission. The scheme required assistance and financial support and this was forthcoming from Hudson Fysh, Dr George Simpson, who served as honorary medical advisor and was, with Flynn co-founder of the Service, Alfred Traeger who was responsible for the pedal wireless communication devices for the scheme, and H.V. McKay who gave financial aid. The Service was pioneered in Cloncurry in 1928 and eventually extended to all mainland states. The National Library has important records relating to the establishment and early operations of the Service in the papers of John Flynn and Dr George Simpson. The Flynn Papers, including his papers relating to the foundation and operation of the Australian Aerial Medical Service, 1928-1949. National Library of Australia MS.3288. The Simpson Papers, concerned almost exclusively with the Service, 1938-1959. These are extensive, comprising 107 folders. National Library of Australia MS.812.