Corporate entry: Pictorial Collection of The National Library of Australia


The Pictorial Collection on the second floor contains a large quantity of individual photographs, prints, sketches etc., and also photograph albums. The principal album collections and some single items relating to regional Queensland are listed below. The Library collection is being constantly enlarged by contemporary photographs from Australian newspapers, and also private collections, which are gifted or lent for copying. The latter have included in particular material on New Guinea, Pacific Islands, shipping and Aborigines. The Library's collection of Aboriginal photographs is very substantial. Additional pictorial material is housed in other collections in the National Library Complex, notably in the Rex Nan Kivell Collection, which may be of interest to those researching regional Queensland topics. This includes marine paintings and sketches relating to exploration in the Pacific, the Torres Strait and Australian Coastline, also ornithological and botanical collections, including the Ellis Rowan watercolours of Australian and New Guinea flora.