Party: Pacific Island Labour Records


Government records. List of Pacific Island labourers, compiled by the Queensland Immigration Agent, 1865-1904, Department of Immigration, pp.340.

Inspector of Pacific Islanders, Maryborough.

A. Register of ships arriving under the Polynesian Labourers' Act of 1868. 2 June 1868-23 December 1881, 14 exposures.

B. Monthly record of deaths of Polynesians. January 1878-November 1886, one exposure.

C. Register of vessels returning under Polynesian Labourers' Act of 1868, 5 January 1869-14 October 1881, 23 exposures.

Government Agent's Log Books 1883-1904:

Log of the Clansman, 3 June 1904-13 October 1904, G.K. Craig, Government Agent, one volume, 28 exposures.

Log of the Ceara, 31 December 1883-16 February 1884, J.A. Burrell, Government Agent, one volume.

Log of the Ceara, 13 March 1884-29 April 1884, James Lane, Government Agent, one volume, 18 exposures.

Log of the Lizzie, 22 December 1883-17 February 1884, James Lane, Government Agent, one volume, 17 exposures.

Log of the Heath, 19 July 1884-22 December 1884, Thomas Thomson, Government Agent, one volume, 43 exposures.

Log of the Lizzie, 3 March 1884-16 June 1884, J.A. Burnett, Government Agent, one volume, 22 exposures.

Log of the Ethel, 21 January 1884-15 August 1884, Christopher Mills, Government Agent, one volume, 65 exposures.

Negative microfilm from the Public Library of Queensland, Brisbane. Originals Queensland State Archives: QSA R.S.P.S. Microfilm M.156.

Department of Immigration Records, Brisbane.

Register of Pacific Islanders in receipt of indigence allowance from ca.1870, 1903. Original Queensland State Archives: QSA R.S.P.S. Microfilm 255.

Records of the Queensland Governor's Office.


1. Letters to Governor VII, 665: Goodenough to Governor, 28 October, 1874, Sanders to Governor, 23, 25 August, 1874, Grey to Colonial Secretary, 3 November 1874.

2. Letters to Governor IX, 22: Colonial Secretary to Governor, 10 January 1876, Horrics to Governor, 1 December 1875, with enclosures.

Records of the Premier's Department.

1. Letter, Chernside to Philp, 10 February 1903, with enclosures, PRE A.147.

2. Accessions: Douglas Rannie, 12 May 1892, papers relating to the Empreza case 44/3.

Memo by O'Brennan, 20 January 1904, Memo by Woodford, 28 March 1904, Memo by Chairman, Marine Board, 8 August 1904, with other correspondence relating to the conditions on labour ships, 44/7.

Papers relating to the Craig affair, 44/9.

Records of the Colonial Secretary's Office.

1. 91/6271, [no details available].

2. Douglas Rannie, 27 February 1883, relating to conditions of labour ships, 93/2199. Originals, Queensland State Archives: QSA R.S.P.S. Microfilm 320, 321.

Files of the Western Pacific High Commission. Correspondence between British and colonial Governments, relating to the labour trade in Queensland and the Solomon Islands, 1896-1910. R.S.P.S. Microfilm M.272; W.P.H.C. Files Nos. 292/1896; 7/1903; 1472/1910.

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