Corporate entry: Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union


Records 1852-1972. The A.M.W.U. was formed in 1972 by the incorporation of three unions:

1. Amalgamated Engineering Union,

2. Boilermakers' & Blacksmiths' Society of Australia.

3. Sheetmetal Working, Agricultural Implement & Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia.

Records are of the Commonwealth or Federal Councils and Canberra, Darwin, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australian, Victorian and Western Australian Branches, and the Sydney District Committee; the holding is extensive, and comprises business papers and microfilms. The following is a selective listing of the Commonwealth Council and Queensland Branch records of the Amalgamated Engineering Union, as an indication of holdings.

Amalgamated Engineering Union, Commonwealth Council.

Minutes of meetings, 1852-1859 Reel 1, 1887-1888 Reel 1, 1888-1892 Reel 4, 1892-1902 Reel 1, 1902-1911 Reel 2, 1911-1915 Reel 3, October-December 1915 Reel 4, 1915-1918 Reel 5, 1918-1920 Reel 6, 1920-1922 Reel 7. A.B.L. M24 Reel 1-7.

Remittance book, I April 1959-4 September 1964. A.B.L. E.157/1.

Cash book, 1 January 1914-30 September 1920. A.B.L. P.9/4/3.

Proposition forms, 1906-1958. A.B.L. E.140/1-7.

Check return sheets, giving details of membership registrations, 1963-1965. A.B.L. E.157/3.

Numbers clearance certificate books, 1965-1968. A.B.L. E.157/4.

Reports of addresses, decisions and suggestions of interstate and National conferences, and rules revision meetings printed, 1961-1967. A.B.L. E.157/2.

Reports on finance and membership, 1960. A.B.L. E.157/5.

Addresses of candidates standing for election, ca.1966. A.B.L. E.157/6.

Pamphlets and periodicals, 1961, 1965-1972. A.B.L. P.109/1-17.

Amalgamated Engineering Union, Queensland, Divisions Nos. 2 and 3. Certificates of registration and amalgamation papers, 1916-1933. A.B.L. E.220/1-10.

Balance sheets, membership records, 1923-1946. A.B.L. E.220/11-15.

Correspondence files, 1914-1966. A.B.L. E.220/16-462.

Arbitration material, 1914-1961. A.B.L. E.220/463-500.

Newspaper extracts, 1955-1959 A.B.L. E.220/501-502.

Ayr. Registration book, n.d. A.B.L. E.221/174.

Minute books, 1949-1968. A.B.L. E.162/20.

Auto Engineers. Minute book, 1948-1958. A.B.L. E.221/27.

Registration book, n.d. A.B.L. E.221/173.

Brisbane. Minute book, 1956-1968. A.B.L. E.162/22.

Registration books, n.d. A.B.L. E.221/176-177.

Brisbane 2. Minute books, 1940-1968. A.B.L. E.162/23.

Registration book n.d. A.B.L. E.221/178.

Brisbane 3. Registration books, n.d. A.B.L. E.221/179-180.

Brisbane North. Registration book, n.d. A.B.L. E.221/181.

Cairns. Minute book, 1964-1968. A.B.L. E.162/25.

Registration books, n.d. A.B.L. E.221/184-185.

Innisfail. Minute book, 1961-1968. A.B.L. E.162/27.

Cash and receipt book, 1966-1968. A.B.L. E.157/13.

Cheque book, 1966-1968. A.B.L. E.157/14.

Registration book, n.d. A.B.L. E.221/189-190.

Mount Isa. Contribution book, 1965-1966. A.B.L. E.157/15.

Registration book, n.d. A.B.L. 221/194.

Oonoonba. Registration book, n.d. A.B.L. E.221/198.

Rockhampton. Minute books, 1938-1968. A.B.L. E.162/33.

Registration book, n.d. A.B.L. E.221/199.

Rockhampton 2. Minute book 1941-1947, 1954-1968. A.B.L. E.162/34.

Registration book, n.d. A.B.L. E.221/200.

The Archive holdings of the Boilermakers' and Blacksmiths' Society include Federal Council and Queensland branch records; the Sheetmetal Working, Agricultural Implement & Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia holdings include material from Federal Council and the Brisbane branch.