Corporate entry: Australian Coal and Shale Employees Federation


Records 1874-1968. The first effective mining union was formed in New South Wales in 1860, with the establishment of the Hunter River District Coalminers' Mutual Protective Association in Newcastle. By 1886 similar organization had taken place in Illawarra, Lithgow and Broken Hill. Despite protracted discussions on the matter these unions did not amalgamate but in 1895 they became affiliated with the Australian Labor Federation, a body which had come into being in Queensland. Records of Queensland activity date from 1901 and there are references to a district body as early as 1879, but it was not until 17 July 1906 that the first official body, the West Moreton District Miners' Federation was registered. In Victoria and Tasmania unions were also organized by the early twentieth century. From 1908 there was a union organization at a federal level and the present body evolved from this development, especially with the movement which grew during the 1920s to form one large union. Records are of the Central Council, Northern, Southern and Western Districts of New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmanian Districts and the Wonthaggi Branch; there are 5 deposits, comprising 60 linear feet. The following is a representative listing of Central Council and Queensland District records:


Rules and constitutions of the Australian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation and Workers' Industrial Union of Australia (Mining Department), 1916-1953. Also Barrier, W.A. and New Zealand rules, one box. A.B.L. E.165/1.

Minutes of meetings of Central Executive and Central Council of A.C. & S.E. Federation, later W.LU. of Aus. (Mining Department), 24 October 1917-27 October 1922 one volume, 15 December 1922-19 December 1925 one volume, 27 January 1926-28 November 1929 one volume. Also minutes of meetings of Combined Unions Coal Mining Industry, 17, 18 May 1928. A.B.L. E.165/2.

Conference minutes and reports of annual conventions and combined meetings of Amalgamated Miners' Association, A.C. & S.E. Fed., and other unions, 1913-1965, one box. A.B.L. E.165/3.

Coal Strike, 1949 - letters, telegrams, reports, pamphlets and press cuttings, March-October 1949, one folder. A.B.L. E.165/3A.

Court of Petty Sessions transcript and ancillary documents relating to a case in Wollongong of Rex V, Thorburn and another for false accusation against J. McEnaney and F. Lowden, 5 September 1917-20 December 1917, one box. A.B.L. E.165/4.

Arbitration material -

1. Judgement and awards of Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Court and High Court in A.C. & S.E. Fed. V Northern Collieries and others - northern lockout, December 1929-January 1930, one folder.

2. Summons to E. Ross in matter of National Emergency (Coal Strike) Act 1949, one item.

3. Miscellaneous arbitration material, including printed awards, 1905-1931, one box. A.B.L. E.165/5.

Report of General Secretary to Annual Council Meeting on the 1937 Balance Sheet, 7 February 1938, one item. A.B.L. E.165/6.

Check Inspectors' reports to General Secretary on district collieries, 20 January 1908-5 March 1912, one folder. A.B.L. E.165/7.

Printed pamphlets, periodicals and leaflets published by A.C. & S.E. Fed., 1927-1965, one box. A.B.L. E.165/8.

Government reports and Royal Commission reports, government acts and regulations relating to the coal industry, 1894-1947, four boxes. A.B.L. E.165/9.

Printed pamphlets, periodicals and leaflets from various sources, mainly relating to the coal industry, 1917-1952, one box. A.B.L. E.165/10.

Press Cuttings Books -

1. 28 March 1916-2 December 1917 one volume

2. 31 August 1922-31 October 1923 one volume

3. Miscellaneous newspapers, cuttings and drafts of articles, one box. A.B.L. E.165/11.

Petitions, and diary of Glen Davis, Stay-put miners, 1952-1957, one folder. A.B.L. E.165/11A.

Queensland District, Bundamba, (includes material relating to Collinsville and Mt Mulligan). Rules of Queensland Colliery Employees' Union, 1914, 1921, 1933, three items. A.B.L. E.165/41.

Certificate of registration, W.M.C.M.U. 17 July 1906, one folder. A.B.L. E.165/41A.

Minutes of meetings Committee of Management of west Moreton Coal Miners' Union, later Queensland Colliery Employees' Union, Bundamba, 7 July 1906-4 March 1940, 25 volumes. A.B.L. E.165/42.

Minutes of meetings of Delegate Board, general and mass meetings of West Moreton Coal Miners' Union, and Queensland Colliery Employees' Union 1906-1940, six volumes. A.B.L. E.165/43.

Minutes of meetings of the Mafeking Branch of the West Moreton Coal Miners' Union, 11 February 1907-18 July 1910, one volume. A.B.L. E.165/44.

Minutes of meetings of Trip Committees of Q.C.E.U., 19 December 1908-14 October 1930, one volume. A.B.L. E.165/45.

Record book of results of voting by branches on recommendations and ballots for official positions with statistical returns, 14 January 1911-24 April 1936, one volume. A.B.L. E.165/46.

Membership register W.M.C.M.U., March 1906-September 1910, one volume. A.B.L. E.165/46A.

Files of nominations and letters of certification of delegates of branches to Q.C.E.U. Delegate Meetings, with details of district officers,

1. December 1910-January 1911

2. September 1917-April 1918

3. December 1933-February 1935. three folders. A.B.L. E.165/47.

Arbitration material, being orders, judgements and ancillary material relating to disputes and awards for the coal industry, 1907-1938, two folders and one volume. A.B.L. E.165/48.

Printed material relating to the Queensland coal industry, one box. A.B.L. E.165/49.

Miscellaneous - Photographs and sketches, mainly undated, one box. A.B.L. E.165/56. A.B.L. total federation deposits: T.3, T.31, E.164, E.165, E.204.