Corporate entry: Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company Limited


Records 1856-1971. The company was registered in England in November 1863 as the Australian Mortgage Land and Finance Co. Ltd; in 1865 the firm of Gibbs Roland & Co. of Melbourne and Geelong was acquired to conduct Australian business. The present company title was adopted in 1910. The principal business interest has been as stock and station agents, financiers, and in pastoral holdings. A.M.L. & F. was taken over by Wood-Hall Trust Ltd of the United Kingdom in 1970, but the Australian operations have continued without change of title. The Australian head office is in Sydney. Records are of the Sydney, Melbourne, Nerrandera and London offices. There are 10 deposits comprising 314 linear feet and one reel of microfilm. The following is a description of three representative deposits.

London Office. Memoranda and articles of association, with alterations, 1863-1963. Reports of the company's annual general meetings, with balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, 1863-1969, printed. Financial papers, 1946-1962; Station records 1893-1969; Papers regarding early history of the company, from 1863.15 linear feet. A.B.L. 132.

Sydney and Melbourne Offices. Ledgers, journals, cash books, from 1865. Station financial records, monthly returns (showing information regarding persons employed, stock, rainfall etc.), of some of the company's stations. Reappraisement of rentals of some of the company's stations in the Western Division of N.S.W., 1890-1904. Information regarding income and working expenses of the company's stations between 1893 and 1943, with some miscellaneous papers and maps. 75 running feet. A.B.L. 6.

Shearing and wool figures, stock sales, carrying capacity etc. and figures regarding taxes, rates, wages and improvements, for Milroy, Maneroo and Cowga Stations in Queensland, Microfilm. A.B.L. M.3. A.B.L. total company deposits: 6, 75, 97, 99, 132, 133, 137, 152, 162; Microfilm M.3.