Corporate entry: Australian Workers' Union


Records 1887-1957. The Australian Workers' Union had its origins in the Amalgamated Shearers' Union which began in Victoria in 1886 and rapidly spread through New South Wales and South Australia. Associated groups, in the General Labourers' Unions were also formed to cover shed hands. Organization of the Queensland Shearers' Union also began in 1886, and was registered as a trade union in August 1888, with its headquarters in Blackall. The Queensland Labourers' Union was formed in 1888 at Saltern Creek, with headquarters at Barcaldine. Other branches were formed at Springsure and Roma in 1891. During this period negotiations proceeded towards the amalgamation of all the Bush Unions; in December 1891 the Q.S.U. and Q.L.U. united to form the Amalgamated Union of Queensland, with administrative centres in Longreach, Hughenden and Charleville, all working in close association. Meanwhile southern unions had merged to form the A.W.U. in 1894, and the Queensland section of the Bush Unions joined with the A.W.U. in 1904. Archive holdings include Head Office, Queensland and Western Australian Branch files, there are 10 deposits comprising 66 linear feet and 88 reels of microfilm. All holdings are currently held on closed deposit. The following is a general outline of Head Office records, then a detailed listing of selective Queensland material.

Head Office. Minutes of meetings, financial, general and arbitration records, 1887-1957. Includes records of Australian Shearers' Union, General Labourers' Union and Australian Workers' Union Branch records. A.B.L. E.154, P.33, P.52, M44.

Queensland Branch. Records from the Longreach area.

BLACKALL Queensland Shearers' Union, Head Office.

Rough minutes of meetings of Queensland Shearers' Union Prisoners' Defence Fund Committee Blackall, 7 July 1891-9 January 1892, also memoranda of levies and monies received and subscription lists issued, 1891-1892, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/1.

Ledger, Queensland Shearers' Union Blackall, January 1891-July 1892, also Australian Workers' Union Federal Fund 1907-1909, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/2.

Cash books, Queensland Shearers' Union Blackall.

i. Cash disbursements book, with balance sheet, January 1887-December 1887, one volume.

ii. Levy cash book, August 1890-September 1893, one volume.

iii. General cash book, January 1891-July 1892, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/3.

Bank passbook of Queensland Shearers' Union Blackall, with bank deposit forms, January-November 1887, one folder. A.B.L. E.161/4.

Membership roll books, Queensland Shearers' Union Blackall:

i. 1888-1891.,one volume (numerical order).

ii. 1892, also Labour Daily Special Levy Roll, 1914-15, one volume (numerical order).

iii. 1892, one volume (alphabetical order). A.B.L. E.161/5.

Ticket registers, Queensland Shearers' Union Blackall:

i. 1888, also ticket register of Working Man's Parliamentary Fund, 1889-1900, one volume.

ii. 1889-1892, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/6.

Rules of the People's Parliamentary Association of Queensland, 1891, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/6A.

BARCALDINE Central District Council, Australian Labor Federation (Strike Records).

Ledgers, Central District Council Barcaldine:

i. Barcoo District Council, and later Central District Council, February 1890-May 1891, one volume.

ii. Central District Council January -August 1891, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/7.

Cash books, Central District Council Barcaldine:

i. February 1890-November 1891, one volume.

ii. March 1891-March 1892, one volume.

iii. August 1891-November 1892, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/8.

Bank passbook of Central District Council General Account, Barcaldine.

January 1891-October 1892, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/9.

Levy books, Central District Council giving details of names, ticket numbers and amounts collected by organizers,

i. July-December 1891, one volume.

ii. August 1891-April 1892, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/10.

Queensland Labourers' Union Head Office, Barcaldine:

Ledger, Queensland Labourers' Union Barcaldine, January 1891-December 1892, also details of ticket books issued, 1891, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/11.

Cash books, Queensland Labourers' Union Barcaldine:

i. Cash book, January 1889-December 1890, one volume.

ii. Petty cash book, February-May 1891, one volume, also details of tickets issued by organizers. A.B.L. E.161/12.

Day books, Queensland Labourers' Union Barcaldine, January 1891-June 1892, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/13.

Membership roll books, Queensland Labourers' Union Barcaldine:

i. Central Queensland Labourers' Union, 1889-1890, one volume (numerical order).

ii. Queensland Labourers' Union 1891, No. l, 1889-1890, one volume (numerical order).

iii. Queensland Labourers' Union 1891, No. 2, one volume (numerical order).

iv. Queensland Labourers' Union 1892, one volume (numerical order).

v. Queensland Labourers' Union 1892, (alphabetical order). A.B.L. E.161/14.

SPRINGSURE Queensland Labourers' Union, Comet Branch, Springsure.

Cash book, Queensland Labourers' Union Comet Branch, Springsure, January-April 1891, one volume, also Petty Cash book Central District Council Barcaldine, February-June 1892. A.B.L. E.161/15.

Members' roll book, Comet Branch, Springsure, 1891, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/16.


Day books, relating to co-operative store set up with surplus goods from strike camp[?]:

i. 1890-1891, one volume

ii. 1896, one volume

iii. 1897-1898, one volume

iv. 1898-1900, one volume A.B.L. E.161/16A.

Queensland Shearers' Union, Hughenden:

General Cash book, Queensland Shearers' Union Hughenden, June 1892-February 1893 [?], one volume. A.B.L. E.161/17.

Queensland Labourers' Union, Hughenden:

General Cash book, Queensland Labourers' Union, Hughenden, June-December 1892 [?], one volume. A.B.L. E.161/18.

Membership roll book, Queensland Labourers' Union, Hughenden, 1892, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/19.

Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union, Hughenden. (Office closed April 1908).

Ledgers - Hughenden:

i. Amalgamated Workers' Union, July 1893-December 1894, one volume.

ii. Amalgamated Workers' Union, December 1898-December 1903, one volume.

iii. Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union, April 1908-August 1921, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/20.

Cash books, Hughenden:

i. Amalgamated Workers' Union cash book, September 1891-1892, also Longreach branch subscriptions 1907, and petty cash accounts, 1916, with loose ballot slips and election results, 1916-1919, one volume. ii. Amalgamated Workers' Union general cash book, August 1892-December 1898, one volume.

iii. Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union general cash book, December 1898-April 1908, also Australian Workers' Union Longreach, May 1910-November 1913, one volume.

iv. Australian Workers' Union petty cash book, January 1906-January 1908, one volume.

v. Australian Workers' Union petty cash book, June 1907-April 1908, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/21.

Bank passbooks, Hughenden:

i. Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union, December 1902-March 1908, one volume.

ii. Australian Workers' Union July 1907-February 1908. A.B.L. E.161/22.

Hospital's subscription book, Australian Workers' Union, Hughenden, March 1905-January 1908, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/23.

Membership roll books, Hughenden:

i. Amalgamated Workers' Union 1893-1897, one volume (numerical order)

ii. Amalgamated Workers' Union 1901-1908, one volume (numerical order)

iii. Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union, 1902-1908, one volume (alphabetical order).

iv. Australian Workers' Union 1906-1909, (numerical order), also Australian Workers' Union Longreach Federal Fund Roll, 1908-1921, Political Fund 1909-1913, Youths and Women's Roll 1920-1921 and Industrial Levy Roll, 1920-1921, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/24.

Rough ticket book, Australian Workers' Union Hughenden, 1906-1908, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/25.

Telegram book, Australian Workers' Union Hughenden, January-April 1908, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/26.

Diary of J. May [?], secretary, Hughenden Branch, Australian Workers' Union, with some loose letters and receipts, some relating to Longreach branch, 1906-1908, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/26A.


Cash book and balance sheet, People's Parliamentary Association, Longreach, July 1891-March 1893, one volume (includes some invoices). A.B.L. E.161/27.

Ledger, Queensland Shearers' Union, Longreach, June 1892-March 1893, one volume. A.B.L. E. 161/28.

Cash book, Queensland Shearers' Union, Longreach, June 1892-January 1893, one volume. A.B.L. E. 161/29.

Membership roll book, Queensland Shearers' Union, Longreach, 1892-1893, also Australian Workers' Union, levy tickets roll, 1910-1912, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/30.

Queensland Labourers' Union, Longreach:

General Cash book, Queensland Labourers' Union, Longreach, June 1892-January 1893, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/31.

Membership rolls, Queensland Labourers' Union, Longreach:

i. 1892, (numerical order), also political roll book, 1893-1906, one volume.

ii. Queensland Labourers' Union Longreach, 1892, one volume (alphabetical order). A.B.L. E.161/32.

Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union - Longreach Branch (later Western District):

Ledgers, Longreach

i. Amalgamated Workers' Union, July 1891-June 1901, also Hospital collections, one volume.

ii. Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union, December 1896-August 1900, January 1903-May 1908, one volume.

iii. Australian Workers' Union, Longreach Hospital account, July 1907-November 1921, one volume.

iv. Australian Workers' Union Hospital, wages and funds accounts, August 1922-May 1926, one volume.

v. Australian Workers' Union, Trust Account, August 1922-May 1926, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/33.

Cash books, Longreach

i. Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union general cash book, October 1892-May 1913, one volume.

ii. Australian Workers' Union, general cash book, June 1913-May 1921, one volume.

iii. Australian Workers' Union, Political Fund cash book, April 1893-December 1907, one volume.

iv. Australian Workers' Union, cash books, tickets accounts, May 1910-October 1914, one volume.

v. Australian Workers' Union, cash books, tickets accounts, February 1916-August 1918, one volume.

vi. Australian Workers' Union, cash books, tickets accounts, April 1918-June 1920, one volume.

vii. Australian Workers' Union, cash books, tickets accounts, February 1920-June 1922, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/34.

Balance sheets, statements of receipts and expenditure and related papers of Australian Workers' Union Longreach branch, 1906-1911, one folder. A.B.L. E.161/35.

Monthly statements of organizers, Longreach district, with ticket statements, related accounts and receipts, 1924-1928, two boxes. A.B.L. E.161/36.

Membership roll and levy roll books of the Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union Longreach (Western District), 1893-1921, 12 volumes and 3 folders. A.B.L. E.161/37.

Ticket books, detailing ticket numbers sent to distributors, of the Amalgamated Workers' Union, Longreach:

i. January 1897-October 1898, one volume.

ii. January 1900-January 1908, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/38.

Membership ticket duplicate vouchers of Australian Workers' Union, Queensland branch, held by Western District Australian Workers' Union, 1927-1928, one folder. A.B.L. E.161/39.

Correspondence to and from the Secretary, Australian Workers' Union, Western District, Longreach, January 1921-February 1923, 32 boxes. A.B.L. E.161/40.

Diary, probably of a union organiser, Australian Workers' Union Longreach, 1901, also press cuttings, 1901, one folder. A.B.L. E.161/41.

Photographs of monuments erected by Australian Workers' Union and subscription list to T. White Memorial, 1906-1913, one folder. A.B.L. E.161/42.

Amalgamated Workers' Association of Queensland, (affiliated with the Australian Workers' Union), South Central District, Longreach Branch:

i. Cash book, September 1912-January 1913, one volume.

ii. Receipt book, January 1912-May 1913, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/43.

Australian Carriers' Union (affiliated with Australian Workers' Union):

i. Record book of consignments handled by carriers, Longreach branch, January 1913-September 1913, one volume.

ii. Ledger, Ilfracombe branch, 1913, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/44.

Australian Labor Party, Longreach Branch:

Members' roll and cash book, Longreach branch. May 1922-June 1926, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/45.

1956 Shearers' Strike, Longreach District Records.

Correspondence to and from the Secretary, Western District, Australian Workers' Union, Longreach, regarding shearing industry dispute, with lists of 'new rate' shearers, 1956-1957, two boxes. A.B.L. E.161/46.

Transcripts of proceedings, judgements, awards, opinions, reports of meetings, lists of 'new rate' sheds, and ancillary correspondence, 1956-1957, one box. A.B.L. E.161/47.

Organizers' reports regarding dispute and covering correspondence, 1956-1957, one box. A.B.L. E.161/48.


Australian Workers' Union, Charleville (South-western District)

Ledger, Australian Workers' Union , Charleville, January 1905-March 1909, May 1917-May 1919, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/49.

Cash books, Australian Workers' Union , South-western District, Charleville:

i. June 1919-May 1921, one volume.

ii. June 1928-April 1931, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/50.

Financial record books of Australian Workers' Union, South-western District, organisers' outstanding cash and car details:

i. 1945-1946, one volume.

ii. 1951-1953, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/51.

Membership roll and levy roll books, Australian Workers' Union, Charleville (later South-western District), 1899-1926, 19 volumes. A.B.L. E.161/52.

Ticket registers, Australian Workers' Union, South-western District:

i. 1921-1925, one volume.

ii. 1927-1932, one volume.

iii. 1931-1937, one volume.

iv. 1940-1952, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/53.

Ballot papers record book, giving details of numbers of ballot papers and to whom sent, 1928-1938, one volume. A.B.L. E.161/54.

Correspondence to and from the Secretary, South-western District, Australian Workers' Union, 1943-1951, incomplete, one volume, two boxes. A.B.L. E.161/55.


i. The Queensland Official Directory, 1892-93, H. Wise & Co., Brisbane.

ii. Coghlan, T.A., The Seven Colonies of Australia, 1901-02, Sydney, 1902.

iii. Larcombe, J. M.L.A. Notes on the Political History of the Labor Movement, Worker Newspaper Pty Ltd., Brisbane 1934. A.B.L. E.161/56.

Australian Workers' Union, Queensland Branch Deposit E.161A.

All the material held in E.161.A has been microfilmed in deposit M.46 (11 reels). The series numbers following correspond with the item numbers on the microfilm. The records consist of minute books, letterbooks and some financial material of the Queensland Shearers' Union, Queensland Labourers' Union, Amalgamated Workers' Union, Australian Workers' Union, Australian Labor Federation and Workers' Political Organization, and are closely related to the material held in deposit E.161, which has not been microfilmed.


LONGREACH AREA Queensland Shearers' Union, Blackall.

Letterbook, Queensland Shearers' Union, Blackall, 1 December 1888-5 January 1891. A.B.L. E.161.A/1.


i. Queensland Shearers' Union, Blackall, 8 June 1891-9 May 1892.

ii. Amalgamated Workers' Union, Longreach Branch, June 1892-11 May 1895.

iii. Letters [to The Worker?] from H.J. Jackson, Longreach, 6 January-12 February 1906. A.B.L. E.161.A/2.

BARCALDINE AND SPRINGSURE Australian Labor Federation and Queensland Labourers' Union.

Letterbook, Strike Committee, Barcaldine, Australian Labor Federation Central District Council, Head Office Barcaldine, 28 March-16 November 1891. A.B.L. E.161.A/3.

Rough Minute book,

i. Queensland Labourers' Union, Headquarters Barcaldine, 25 March 1891-26 June 1892.

ii. Minutes of meeting of Queensland Shearers' Union and Queensland Labourers' Union, at Longreach 4-5 April 1892, regarding settling up of Amalgamated Workers' Union Longreach. A.B.L. E.161.A/4.

Minute book, Queensland Labourers' Union, Committee, Headquarters, Barcaldine, 16 January-23 February 1892. A.B.L. E.161.A/5.

Queensland Labourers' Union

i. Minute book, general meetings. Comet branch, Springsure, 7 February 1891.

ii. Petty cash etc. January-February 1892.

iii. Tickets, Peoples' Parliamentary Association and U.P A. Fund, February 1892, Queensland Labourers' Union Head Office, Barcaldine. A.B.L. E.161.A/6.


i. Queensland Labour Union, Comet branch, Springsure, 6 January 1891-27 May 1892, includes letters from Central District Council of Australian Labor Federation.

ii. Amalgamated Workers' Union, Longreach, 31 October 1895-19 January 1903. A.B.L. E.161.A/7.

HUGHENDEN Amalgamated Workers' Union.

Minute book. Amalgamated Workers' Union, Hughenden branch, 4 April 1892-21 January 1905. Inaugural meeting and Annual General Meetings. A.B.L. E.161.A/8.

Minute book, Amalgamated Workers' Union, Hughenden branch, 7 May 1892-3 February 1903. Committee meetings. A.B.L. E.161.A/9.

Minute books:

i. People's Parliamentary Association, Hughenden branch, 10 April 1892-3 October 1893.

ii. Amalgamated Workers' Union Committee, Hughenden branch, 4 August 1903-3 April 1908. Also Tally Sheets and Ballot Papers sent to sheds, 1900-1920. A.B.L. E.161.A/10.

Letterbook, Amalgamated Workers' Union, Hughenden branch, 13 February 1899-23 March 1902. A.B.L. E.161.A/11.

Letterbook, Amalgamated Workers' Union, Hughenden branch, 11 August 1892-4 August 1903. A.B.L. E.161.A/12.

Australian Workers' Union

Minute book, Australian Workers' Union Committee meetings, Hughenden branch, 5 April 1904-26 March 1907. A.B.L. E.161.A/13.

Rough minute book, Australian Workers' Union, Hughenden branch, 21 January 1901-11 January 1908. A.B.L. E.161.A/14.

Minute book, Australian Workers' Union Committee meetings, Hughenden branch, 28 March 1907-3 April 1908. A.B.L. E.161.A/15.


i. Australian Workers' Union, Hughenden branch, 1 August 1907-13 April 1908.

ii. Australian Workers' Union, Longreach, North Queensland branch, 15 April 1908-17 January 1909. A.B.L. E.161.A/16.

Letterbook, Australian Workers' Union, Hughenden branch, from 13 October 1906. A.B.L. E.161.A/17.

LONGREACH Amalgamated Workers' Union.

Minute book, Amalgamated Workers' Union, Longreach branch 26 April 1896-21 July 1901. A.B.L. E.161.A/18.

Letterbook, Amalgamated Workers' Union, Longreach branch, 19 July-7 November 1899, 22 April 1905-3 July 1907. A.B.L. E.161.A/19.

Australian Workers' Union

Minute book, Committee and Special General Meetings, Australian Workers' Union Longreach branch, 24 June 1906-14 February 1909. A.B.L. E.161.A/20.

Minute book, General, Special and Extraordinary General Meetings, Australian Workers' Union, Longreach branch, 8 January 1906-10 April 1910. A.B.L. E.161.A/21.

Minute book, Committee and Annual General Meetings, Australian Workers' Union, Western District, Longreach, 2 February 1913-17 June 1923. A.B.L. E.161.A/22.

Letterbook, Australian Workers' Union, Longreach branch, 16 July 1907-17 April 1908, also loose sheets from another letterbook, Longreach, 3 July-5 August 1907. A.B.L. E.161.A/23.

Letterbook, Australian Workers' Union, Longreach branch, 10 December 1907, also copies of two letters July and September 1909. A.B.L. E.161.A/24.

Letterbook, Australian Workers' Association, Longreach branch, 24 April-27 May 1909. A.B.L. E.161.A/25.

Minute book, John Payne's Electoral Committee, 16 April-14 May 1905, also contains minutes of sub-committee, Kewly Monument, 19 August-17 September 1907. A.B.L. E.161.A/26.

Minute book, Election Committee of Australian Workers' Union and Women's Political Labor League, Mitchell Electorate, 1907, also contains New Mitchell Election roll. A.B.L. E.161.A/27.

Australian Workers' Union, Western District

Rough minute book, Australian Workers' Union Western District Committee, Longreach, 30 June 1926-4 February 1930. A.B.L. E.161.A/28.

Australian Carriers' Union (Affiliated with the Australian Workers' Union).

i. Minute book, Australian Workers' Union, Carriers' Section, Longreach, 10 June-4 September 1913.

ii. Australian Workers' Union Ballot papers sent out 19 August 1920-27 November 1921, 6 September 1921-22 November 1922. A.B.L. E.161.A/29.

Letterbook, Carriers' Union, Ilfracombe Agent, 9 March-18 August 1913. A.B.L. E.161.A/30.

Records from Charleville Branch

Minute book, Australian Workers' Union, Charleville branch 16 January 1905-20 April 1930. A.B.L. E.161.A/31.

Letterbook, Australian Workers' Union, Charleville branch, 28 January 1903-31 May 1906. A.B.L. E.161.A/32.

Letterbook Australian Workers' Union, Charleville branch, 11 August 1906-28 March 1907. A.B.L. E.161.A/33.

Workers' Political Organisation, Charleville and Warrego.

i. Minutes of Workers' Political Organisation, Charleville, 6 October 1904-6 July 1905.

ii. Levy index book, apparently for South Western District, Australian Workers' Union, 1910-1911. A.B.L. E.161.A/34.

Letterbook, Workers' Political Organisation, Charleville, 10 October 1904-21 March 1906. A.B.L. E.161.A/35.

Minute book. Workers' Political Organisation, Warrego, 23 August 1909-23 February 1922. A.B.L. E.161.A/36.

i. Accounts, Workers' Political Organisation, Charleville, February 1904-March 1906.

ii. Political Fund ledger, Australian Workers' Union, 1907-1910/11.

iii. Membership roll, Workers' Political Organisation, Warrego, 1909-1915.

iv. Minute book, Australian Workers' Union, South Western District Committee, Charleville, 8 June 1930-8 December 1931. A.B.L. E.161.A/37.

Day book, Workers' Political Organisation, Warrego, September 1909-March 1920. A.B.L. E.161.A/38.

Australian Workers' Union, South Western District, Charleville.

Postage book (apparently Australian Workers' Union, South Western District), June 1919-February 1921. A.B.L. E.161.A/39.

Newspaper cutting book, regarding Australian Workers' Union in Queensland, kept at Charleville, July 1936-November 1943. A.B.L. E.161.A/40.

Minute book, Australian Workers' Union, South Western District, Charleville, 8 June 1930-2 June 1946, also loose papers. A.B.L. E.161.A/41.

Records of the 1956 Shearers' Strike, Charleville.

The following series 42-45, have been returned to the Australian Workers' Union, Charleville on a permanent basis.

Cash book, Australian Workers' Union, Charleville, 4 December 1955-29 August 1956, also contains back sections entitled: 'Contracts At', and 'Men to be Remembered', and loose papers relating to the 1956 Shearers' Dispute. Formerly A.B.L. E.161.A/42.

Roll Call, Charleville Dispute Committee, 1956. Formerly A.B.L. E.161.A/43.

Loose papers relating to 1956 Shearers' Strike; names of men and sheds shearing at the new reduced rates. Formerly A.B.L. E.161.A/44.

List of sheds shearing at the old rates. Formerly A.B.L. E.161.A/45.

Australian Workers' Union, Queensland Branch (Microfilms).

Report of the Amalgamated Workers' Association of Queensland, inaugural conference, Townsville, 5-12 December 1910, printed. A.B.L. M.51/1A.

Report of the Amalgamation Conference - Australian Workers' Union, Rural Workers' Union, Amalgamated Workers' Association Queensland, Australian Carriers' Union, Amalgamated Rabbit Trappers' Union, Sydney 21-24 June 1912, printed. A.B.L. M.51/1B.

Report on amalgamation question. Proceedings between A.W.U., A.M.I.E.U., R.W. and G.L.A. of New South Wales, United Labourers' Union of Victoria, General Workers' Union of Western Australia, Sydney, A.W.U., Convention 1915, printed. A.B.L. M.51/1C.

Report of the proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of the A.W.A. of Queensland, Rockhampton, 22 January 1913. A.B.L. M.51/1D.

Reports of the Annual Delegate meetings, Nos. 1-25, A.W.U. Queensland branch, Brisbane, January 1914-January 1938, printed [Report No.4, 1917, missing, copy held National Library, Canberra.] A.B.L. M.51/1E.

Reports of the Annual Delegate meetings, Nos.26-36, A.W.U. Queensland branch, Brisbane, January 1939-January 1949, printed. A.B.L. M.51/2.

Reports of Annual Delegate meetings, Nos.37-42, A.W.U. Queensland branch, Brisbane, January 1950-January 1955. A.B.L. M.51/3A.

Minutes of meetings of the Branch Executive, Queensland branch, A.W.U., 10 June 1913-10 July 1924, Vols.1-3. Minutes of Annual Delegate meetings are interspersed, but have been filmed in separate sequence. A.B.L. M.51/3B.

Minutes of meetings of the Branch Executive, Queensland branch, A.W.U., 25 January 1925-13 June 1957, Vols. 4-7, (in part). A.B.L. M.51/4.

Minutes of Annual Delegate meetings, Queensland branch, A.W.U., Brisbane, 8 January 1914-26 January 1940, Vols.1-6. Branch Executive Minutes have been interspersed in Vols.1-4, but have been filmed in separate sequence. A.B.L. M.51/5.

Minutes of Annual Delegate meetings, Queensland branch, A.W.U., Brisbane, 20 January 1914-18 January 1957, Vols.7-11. A.B.L. M.51/6.

Correspondence submitted to, or arising from, Branch Executive meetings, Queensland branch A.W.U., January 1950-February 1953. A.B.L. M.51/7.

Correspondence submitted to, or arising from, Branch Executive meetings, Queensland branch, A.W.U., February 1953-June 1957, [missing October 1953-January 1954]. A.B.L. M.51/8.

Correspondence submitted to, or arising from Branch Executive meetings, Queensland branch, A.W.U., June 1957-June 1958 [?]. A.B.L. M.51/9A.

Postal votes, Branch Executive, 1939-October 1946, October 1947. A.B.L. M.51/9B.

Postal votes, Branch Executive, October 1946, October 1947-December 1957. A.B.L. M.51/10A.

Newspaper extracts and other material, regarding trial of prisoners arraigned on charges of conspiracy, Shearers' Strike of 1891. A.B.L. M.51/10B.

Minutes of meetings of Branch Executive, Queensland branch, A.W.U., Brisbane, 8 January 1958-16 January 1970, Vols.7-10. A.B.L. M.51/11A.

Minutes of Annual Delegate meetings, Queensland branch, A.W.U., Brisbane, January 1958-January 1970, Vols.12-13. A.B.L. M.51/11B.

Correspondence submitted to, or arising from, Branch Executive meetings, Jan 1958-June 1960. A.B.L. M.51/12.

Correspondence submitted to, or arising from, Branch Executive meetings, June 1960-February 1963. A.B.L. M.51/13.

Correspondence submitted to, or arising from. Branch Executive meetings, February 1963-June 1964. A.B.L. M.51/14.

Correspondence submitted to, or arising from, Branch Executive meetings, January 1965-June 1968. A.B.L. M.51/15.

Correspondence submitted to, or arising from, Branch Executive meetings, January 1969-January 1970. A.B.L. M.51/16A.

Postal votes, Branch Executive, 1959-1962, [missing 1958, later filmed on M.50/07]. A.B.L. M.51/16B.