Corporate entry: Central Queensland Meat Export Company Limited


Records 1885-1896. A meat processing and export company of Lakes Creek, Rockhampton. The original plant was established at Lakes Creek in 1870 by an English company, the Central Queensland Meat Preserving Co. Ltd, but this closed in 1874. From 1877-1880 the works were operated by Messrs Whitehead & Co., and thereafter were taken over by a group of local shareholders and renamed the Central Queensland Meat Export Co. Ltd. This company went into liquidation in 1885, and the plant was purchased by a Melbourne Company; operations continued under the previous title, with particular emphasis on the export of refrigerated meat. In 1901 the meatworks were sold to a London based company, who also maintained the title of Central Queensland Meat Export Co. Ltd. There is one archive deposit, containing comprehensive business records, as follows:

Financial statement containing Profit and Loss account and Balance Sheet of A.T. Rowan, Weribone, 31 March 1885-31 March 1887. A.B.L. 47/1.

Return of sales made in London on account of C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, November 1887-December 1888. A.B.L. 47/2.

Return of shipments of meat tallow on account of C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd not disposed of at 20 May 1889. A.B.L. 47/3.

Memorandum of total amount of commission returned by Head Office, G.M. & Co. Ltd, [Goldsborough Mort & Co. Ltd.?] to the C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd in tallow etc. shipped to London, 20 May 1889. A.B.L. 47/4.

Statement of sales (half yearly), effected in Melbourne on account of C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, April 1887-May 1889. A.B.L. 47/5.

Copy of contract between C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and their agent Roderick Travers, and Henry John Gallop, for shipment and sale of meat, 23 August 1888. A.B.L. 47/6.

Letter from John Living, C.Q.M.E. Co. to F.E. Stewart, General Manager G.M. & Co. regarding financial assistance required to enable the company to fulfill a contract with a London buyer, 29 October 1888. A.B.L. 47/7.

Copy of a letter, F.E. Stewart G.M. & Co. to John Living C.Q.M.E. Co. agreeing to provide financial assistance requested and setting out terms of arrangement. A.B.L. 47/8.

Letter of confirmation, J. Living C.Q.M.E. Co. to F.E. Stewart G.M. & Co., 16 November 1888. A.B.L. 47/9.

Letter from manager Bank of Australasia, Melbourne, regarding guarantee of overdraft at Rockhampton of C.Q.M.E. Co., 20 March 1888. A.B.L. 47/10.

Letter John Living of C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd to general manager G.M. & Co. regarding value of shipments made and list of meats tallow and extracts sent from Rockhampton 19-27 December 1888. A.B.L. 47/11.

List of sales of produce on account of C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd November 1888-May 1889. A.B.L. 47/12.

Letter John Living C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd to general manager G.M. & Co. regarding security of the company's property for loan requested 9 April 1889. A.B.L. 47/13.

Letter John Living C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd to general manager G.M. & Co. Ltd regarding agreement to advance finances, 16 May 1889. A.B.L. 47/14.

Circular letter sent by C.Q.M.E. Co. from Rockhampton Works to G.M. & Co. setting out terms of business, accounts etc. 1 September 1889. A.B.L. 47/15.

Memo C.Q.M.E. to F.E. Stewart regarding letter from Travers on financial requirements of consignment of meat 25 September 1889. A.B.L. 47/16.

Copy of a letter R. Travers to W.B. Hervey, G.M. & Co. Ltd stating Brooks' acceptance of meat for £18,171.2.9 and account attached, 11 October 1889. A.B.L. 47/17.

Letter from John Living, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd to general manager, G.M. & Co. regarding cable concerning frozen meat in S.S. Ashleigh Brooks, 18 October 1889. A.B.L. 47/18.

Copy of a cable, Living to G.M. & Co. London, 18 October 1889. A.B.L. 47/19.

Letter, John Living to F.E. Stewart, G.M. & Co. regarding insurance arrangements for cargo of frozen meat on the Balmoral Castle, 31 October 1889. A.B.L. 47/20.

Memorandum regarding cover for Melbourne V London accounts for C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd overdrafts, 13 November 1889. A.B.L. 47/21.

Letter Theodore A. Hill, manager Bank of Australasia, Rockhampton, to G.M. & Co. regarding C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, concerning arrangements for an overdraft to be operated by Mr Bertram, 15 November 1889. A.B.L. 47/22.

Copy of a letter, Freshfield & Williams to Hervey regarding cargoes of meat from S.S. Bailey and S.S. Ashleigh Brooks, 7 December 1889. A.B.L. 47/23/1.

Copy of a letter, R. Travers, managing director, Central Markets, Cold Air Stores Ltd to Freshfield & Williams regarding payment for beef from S.S. Ashleigh Brooks, 9 December 1889. A.B.L. 47/23/2.

Copy of a letter H.C. Barker to Freshfield & Williams regarding dishonoured bill of exchange, 6 December 1889. A.B.L. 47/23/3.

Copy of a letter, H.C. Barker to Freshfield & Williams, 7 December 1889. A.B.L. 47/23/4.

Copy of opinion of E.H. Pollard on the legal position and rights of G.M. & Co. and their best course of action regarding S.S. Ashleigh Brooks cargo, 9 December 1889. A.B.L. 47/23/5.

Copy of a letter, Nelson Bros to G.M. & Co. London office, regarding proposed sale of frozen meat from the S.S. Bailey, 12 December 1889. A.B.L. 47/24/1.

Copy of a letter, Nelson Bros to G.M. & Co. London office, regarding sale of meat from the S.S. Bailey and price obtained, 13 December 1889. A.B.L. 47/24/2.

Copy of a letter, Pritchard & Moore to R. Travers regarding condition of beef taken from S.S. Bailey, 14 December 1889. A.B.L. 47/25/1.

Copy of a letter, J. Kilky & Sons to R. Travers, on the condition of beef and mutton, 10 December 1889. A.B.L. 47/25/2.

Sales of produce account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd June 1887-May 1889, dated 20 December 1889. A.B.L. 47/26.

Copy of opinion of E.H. Pollard regarding conditions to be inserted in draft agreements, 24 December 1889. A.B.L. 47/27.

Return of commission in sundries, London office [?], [G.M. & Co.?] and credited to C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, 1887-1890. A.B.L. 47/28/1.

Return of commission in sundries and London office account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and credited commission account, 1888-1890. A.B.L. 47/28/2.

Copy of agreement of settlement, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd of amount of beef ex S.S. Ashleigh Brooks, 3 January 1890. A.B.L. 47/29.

Copy of Assignment of Marine Policies, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd to G.M. & Co. Ltd on cargo of meat on S.S. Ashleigh Brooks, 3 January 1890. A.B.L. 47/30.

Memorandum, [G.M. & Co. ?] showing C.Q.M.E. Co. debts and cover for three amounts, 14 January 1890. A.B.L. 47/31.

Memorandum of amount owing to G.M. & Co. endorsed: 'Board, 21 January 1890'. A.B.L. 47/32.

Copy of opinion by Percy Gye, (barrister of London) regarding frozen meat ex the Balmoral Castle, and position of C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd under contract with Mr J. Gallop, 1 March 1890. A.B.L. 47/33.

Copy of a letter, R. Travers to W.B. Hervey to G.M. & Co. Ltd. A.B.L. 47/34/1.

Copy of opinion of Percy Gye regarding shipment of meat ex S.S. Ashleigh Brooks, 4 March 1890. A.B.L. 47/35.

Copy of a letter, R. Travers to G.M. & Co. giving survey of position with memo regarding departure dates of meat cargoes from Rockhampton, 5 March 1890. A.B.L. 47/36.

Copy of a letter, Freshfield & Williams to W.B. Hervey, enclosing a copy of a letter from Messrs London, solicitors to C.Q.M.E. Co., and Mr Travers, 5 March 1890. A.B.L. 47/37.

Copies of letter, Freshfield & Williams, Messrs London and H.C. Barker, regarding situation of the C.Q.M.E. Co. 6, 7 March 1890. A.B.L. 47/38.

Copy of a letter, Blake and Riggall to manager C.Q.M.E. Co. advising on position under contract, 12 March 1890. A.B.L. 47/39.

Copy of a letter, A. Bertram, manager, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, Rockhampton, to John Living, requesting further advances to continue the business of the company, 6 June 1890. A.B.L. 47/40.

Copy of valuation of stock, as at 28 August 1890. A.B.L. 47/41.

Copy of a letter, Wm. Elmslie & Son, to G.M. & Co. London, regarding claim in Underwriters under the insurance policies on cargo of the S.S. Ashleigh Brooks, 13 October 1890. A.B.L. 47/42.

Copy of a letter (attached to above), E. Uzielli & Co. to G.M. & Co., regarding refusal of the Underwriters to accept claim for cargo of the S.S. Ashleigh Brooks, 12 November 1890. A.B.L. 47/43.

Copy of valuation of stock, transferred to consignment account, 10 November 1890. A.B.L. 47/44.

Copy of charges account, No.2, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 12 November 1890. A.B.L. 47/45.

Letter, Geo. Fairbairn Jnr to A. Rowan, enclosing copy of letters written to Hunt, regarding Lake's Creek company's finances, 13 November 1890. A.B.L. 47/46.

Copy of valuation of stock transferred to consignment account, 13 November 1890. A.B.L. 47/47.

Copy of a letter, Freshfield & Williams to W.B. Hervey regarding writ to be issued in action of C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd V Mr Gallop, 21 November 1890. A.B.L. 47/48.

Letter regarding conditions of sale to C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, Melbourne, of Cameron Downs wethers, 21 November 1890. A.B.L. 47/49.

List of drafts against tallow, hams [?] etc. sales, 21 November 1890. A.B.L. 47/50.

List of estimated value of stocks of pattern, at 20 November 1890. A.B.L. 47/51.

Letter, Geo. Fairbairn Jnr to F.E. Stewart regarding sale of meat belonging to the Union Co., 4 December 1890. A.B.L. 47/52.

Memo, C.Q.M.E. Co. to F.E. Stewart, 5 December 1890. A.B.L. 47/53.

Memo, regarding debits and credits, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd taken from Last London Returns, 13 October 1890; also attached memoranda regarding investments in Northern Territory, 25 November 1890. A.B.L. 47/54.

Memo regarding financial transaction taken from London statement for 5 December 1890. A.B.L. 47/55.

File of accounts endorsed: 'C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, London accounts', 6 January 1891. A.B.L. 47/56.

Account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Star of Victoria meat account, No.2, 20 January 1891. A.B.L. 47/57.

Lists of tallow, hams, hoofs etc on hand, 28 February 1891. A.B.L. 47/58.

Particulars of stock and balances, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, 6 March 1891. A.B.L. 47/59/1.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd, 6 March 1891. A.B.L. 47/59/2.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd, particulars of stock and balances, as at 31 March 1891, 9 April 1891. A.B.L. 47/60.

Central meat consignment account, particulars of stock and balances, as at 31 March 1891, 6 April 1891. A.B.L. 47/61.

Stock of tallow on hand, 9 April 1891. A.B.L. 47/62.

C.Q.M. consignment account, particulars of stock and balances as at 30 May 1891,2 June 1891. A.B.L. 47/63.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd., particulars of stock and balances as at 30 May 1891, 2 June 1891. A.B.L. 47/64.

Account, C.Q.M.E. Co. and G.M. & Co. Ltd, the Moon King meat account, 3 July 1891. A.B.L. 47/65.

C.Q.M. consignment account, particulars of stock and balances at 30 September 1891. A.B.L. 47/66/1.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd 30 September 1891. A.B.L. 47/66/2.

C.Q.M. consignment account, particulars of stock and balances, at 31 October 1891. A.B.L. 47/67.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd 31 October 1891. A.B.L. 47/68.

C.Q.M. consignment account, particulars of stock and balances as at 30 November 1891. A.B.L. 47/69/1.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd 30 November 1891. A.B.L. 47/69/2.

C.Q.M. consignment account, particulars of stock and balances, as at 31 December 1891. A.B.L. 47/70/1.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd 31 December 1891. A.B.L. 47 /70/2.

C.Q.M. consignment account, particulars of stock and balances, as at 31 January 1892. A.B.L. 47/71/1.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd, 31 January 1892. A.B.L. 47/71/2.

C.Q.M. consignment account, particulars of stock and balances, as at 29 February 1892. A.B.L. 47/72/1.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd 29 February 1892. A.B.L. 47/72/2.

C.Q.M. consignment account, particulars of stock and balances as at 31 March 1892. A.B.L. 47/73/1.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd 31 March 1892. A.B.L. 47/73/2.

C.Q.M. consignment account, No. l, particulars of stock and balances 30 April 1892. A.B.L. 47/74/1.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd 30 April 1892. A.B.L. 47/74/2.

C.Q.M. consignment account No.2, particulars of stock and balances, 30 April 1892. A.B.L. 47/75.

Reduction account No. l, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 12-13 May 1892. A.B.L. 47/76.

C.Q.M. consignment account No. l, particulars of stock and balances as at 31 May 1892. A.B.L. 47/77/1.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd, 31 May 1892. A.B.L. 47/77/2.

C.Q.M. consignment account No.2, particulars of stock and balances as at 31 May 1892. A.B.L. 47/77/3.

C.Q.M. consignment account No. l, particulars of stock and balances as at 30 June 1892. A.B.L. 47/78/1.

Old consignment account, G.M. & Co. Ltd, 30 June 1892. A.B.L. 47/78/2.

C.Q.M. consignment account No.2, particulars of stock and balances as at 30 June 1892. A.B.L. 47/79.

C.Q.M. consignment account No. l, particulars of stock and balances as at 31 July 1892. A.B.L. 47/80.

C.Q.M. consignment account No.2, particulars of stock and balances as at 31 July 1892. A.B.L. 47/81.

C.Q.M. consignment account No. l, particulars of stock and balances as at 31 August 1892. A.B.L. 47/82.

C.Q.M. consignment account No.2, particulars of stock and balances as at 31 August 1892. A.B.L. 47/83.

Interest account, 18 August 1892. A.B.L. 47/84.

Reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 8 September 1892. A.B.L. 47/85.

C.Q.M. consignment account No. l, particulars of stock and balances as at 30 September 1892. A.B.L. 47/86.

C.Q.M. consignment account No.2, particulars of stock and balances as at 30 September 1892. A.B.L. 47/87.

Reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 7 October 1892. A.B.L. 47/88.

Reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 26 June 1893. A.B.L. 47/89/1.

Charges account No.2, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 26 June 1893. A.B.L. 47/89/2.

Consignment account No.2, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 26 June 1893. A.B.L. 47/89/3.

Reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 1 October 1893. A.B.L. 47/90/1.

Consignment account, No.2, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 1 October 1893. A.B.L. 47/90/2.

Charges No.2 account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 1 October 1893. A.B.L. 47/90/3.

Consignment account No.2, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, 12 December 1893. A.B.L. 47/91/1.

Charges account No.2, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, 12 December 1893, two copies. A.B.L. 47/91/2.

Reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, 12 December 1893. A.B.L. 47/91/3.

Insurance on frozen meat account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, 12 December 1893, two copies. A.B.L. 47/91/4.

Insurance on frozen meat account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 11 January 1894. A.B.L. 47/92/1.

Charges account No.2[?], C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 11 January 1894. A.B.L. 47/92/2.

Consignment account No.2 , C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 11 January 1894. A.B.L. 47/92/3.

Reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 11 January 1894. A.B.L. 47/92/4.

Reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 4 April 1894, two copies. A.B.L. 47/93/1.

Consignment account No.2, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 4 April 1894, two copies. A.B.L. 47/93/2.

Charges account No.2.[?] C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 4 April 1894, two copies. A.B.L. 47/93/3.

Insurance on frozen meat account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 4 April 1894, two copies. A.B.L. 47/93/4.

Insurance on frozen meat account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd 3 July 1894. A.B.L. 47/94/1.

Charges No.2 account C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd 3 July 1894. A.B.L. 47/94/2.

Reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 3 July 1894. A.B.L. 47/94/3.

Consignment No.2 account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 3 July 1894. A.B.L. 47/94/4.

Insurance account C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd 3 July 1894. A.B.L. 47/94/5.

C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd New T/Meat account, particulars of stock and balances to 31 August 1984, copy. A.B.L. 47/95/L

Consignment No.2 account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, stock and balances to 31 August 1894, copy. A.B.L. 47/95/2.

New tinned meat account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, particulars of stock and balances to 31 August 1894, copy. A.B.L. 47/95/1.

Consignment account No.2, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, stock and balances to 31 August 1894, copy. A.B.L. 47/95/2.

Tinned meat account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd., 5 October 1894. A.B.L. 47/96/1.

New reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, 5 October 1894. A.B.L. 47/96/2.

Sundries account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd 5 October 1894. A.B.L. 47/96/3.

Old reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd, 5 October 1894. A.B.L. 47/96/4.

Consignment account No.2, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd 5 October 1894. A.B.L. 47/96/5.

Consignment account No.2, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 7 January 1895, two copies. A.B.L. 47/97/L

Reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 7 January 1895, two copies. A.B.L. 47/97/2.

Sundries account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 7 January 1895, two copies. A.B.L. 47/97/3.

New reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 7 January 1895, two copies. A.B.L. 47/97/4.

Frozen meat account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 7 January 1895, two copies. A.B.L. 47/97/5.

Tinned meat account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 7 January 1895. A.B.L. 47/97/6.

Frozen meat account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 3 April 1895, two copies. A.B.L. 47/98/1.

Tinned meat account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 3 April 1895, two copies. A.B.L. 47/98/2.

Reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 3 April 1895, two copies. A.B.L. 47/98/3.

Consignment account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 3 April 1895, two copies. A.B.L. 47/98/4.

New reduction account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 3 April 1895, two copies. A.B.L. 47/98/5.

Sundries account, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd, 3 April 1895, two copies. A.B.L. 47/98/6.

Signed copy of agreement, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd and G.M. & Co. Ltd for storage and care of refrigerating machinery listed in attached schedule, 22 December 1896. A.B.L. 47/99.

Notes on company's financial position and a list of shareholders, n.d. A.B.L. 47/100.

Abstract of clause 5 of C.Q.M.E. Co.'s contract with Tyner & Co., n.d. A.B.L. 47/101.

Statement showing financial balance after two months work with freezing 400 tons of beef, n.d. A.B.L. 47/102.

List of deficiencies and surpluses of tallow, hams etc, shipped to London, n.d. A.B.L. 47/103.

Memo, regarding approximate cargo for the Maori King, n.d. A.B.L. 47/104.

Copy of plaintiffs claim in action, C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd V Henry John Gallop, n.d. A.B.L. 47/105.

C.Q.M.E. Co. Ltd code with G.M. & Co. Ltd London, n.d. A.B.L. 47/106. A.B.L. 47.