Biographical entry: Harris, W.J.H.


Papers 1897-1966. W.J.H. Harris is a member of the Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia, at present working in Queensland. He is preparing for publication a Pictorial History of the Labor Party and has used photographs from the archives collection. He has previously written First Steps. Labor in Queensland, which was issued by the Labor History Association in 1965.

Queensland Buildings Trades Group. Records, material relating to proposed amalgamations, etc. 1928-1965. four boxes. A.B.L. P.43/1.

United Operative Bricklayers' Society of Queensland. Records, 1926-1945 one folder. A.B.L. P.43/2.

Trades and Labor Council of Queensland; Australian Council of Trade Unions; Melbourne Trades Hall Council; Labor Council of N.S.W. and others. Records, reports, printed material, 1930-1965. two boxes. A.B.L. P.43/3.

Arbitration material mainly relating to Queensland awards, 1923-1959. one folder. A.B.L. P.43/4.

Rule books of various Unions, 1913-1959. nine items. A.B.L. P.43/5.

Reports, various, 1938, 1939, 1962, three items. A.B.L. P.43/6.

Election leaflets issued by the Queensland People's Party, the Australian Labor Party and the Communist Party of Australia, 1936, 1946, 1949, 1966, others n.d., one folder. A.B.L. P.43/7.

Publicity material issued by Trade Unions, political parties and other political pressure groups. Leaflets, pamphlets, periodicals etc, 1931-1966. two boxes. A.B.L. P.43/8.

Printed and near print material regarding strikes, pay issues, peace campaigns etc. Leaflets, pamphlets, periodicals, newspaper extracts, 1931-1964. two boxes. A.B.L. P.43/9.

Newspaper extracts, mainly from Queensland Newspapers, arranged chronologically, 1926, 1937, 1942-1949, 1956-1960, 1962, some n.d., 10 folders. A.B.L. P.43/10.

Australia-Soviet material. Leaflets, invitations, pamphlets, periodicals issued by Australia-Soviet Friendship Society; N.S.W. Aid Russia Committee, ca.1942-1945. one envelope. A.B.L. P.43/11.

Government publications: Commonwealth - speeches, regulations, acts of parliament; Queensland state - regulations, acts, orders in council, Economic News, a monthly bulletin issued by the Queensland Bureau of Industry; Victorian state - progress report of a select committee on the working week, unemployment insurance with minutes of evidence 1935, 1935-1957, one folder. A.B.L. P.43/12.

Early socialist publications, mainly published by Charles H. Kerr and Company, Chicago and J.A. Wayland, Girard Kansas, 1897-1912. 67 items. A.B.L. P.43/13.

Miscellaneous publications, 1930-1964. one box. A.B.L. P.43/14.