Corporate entry: New Zealand and Australian Land Company Limited (1885 - 1972)



Records 1894-1972, Legal Records of Tchelery Pty Ltd, 1885-1928.


The New Zealand and Australian Land Company Limited dates its origins to the 1860s when associations were formed in Scotland and England to acquire pastoral and agricultural lands in New Zealand and Australia. A number of these groups combined and were registered in Scotland in 1865 as the Canterbury and Otago Association Limited; others formed the old New Zealand and Australian Land Company Limited in 1866. These two companies in turn amalgamated, and were registered in October 1877 as the New Zealand and Australian Land Company Limited. The registered office was in Glasgow and later Edinburgh, with administrative offices in Dunedin and Sydney. The Company was managed by a Board of Directors meeting in Scotland, with a Superintendent, later General Manager, who was the company's representative in Australia, in charge of the Sydney office. The company has held, or had an interest in 55 stations in New Zealand and Australia, including 13 in Queensland, namely: Boatman, Bogarella, Canobie, Dalgonally, Eddington, Marathon, Maxwelton, Mitchell Downs, Mt Cornish, Telemon, Oakwood, Wellshot and Waning. In 1968 N.Z.A.L. was taken over by Dalgety New Zealand Loan Ltd and since 1970 has operated with its associated companies as a subsidiary of Dalgety Australia Ltd. Records are of the company's Sydney Office, there is one deposit comprising 95 linear feet. Included are records of subsidiary companies and associated pastoral properties. The record series are described under the following headings:

Lists of stockholders, 1908-1924.

Office Files, 1904-1968 regarding land sales, resumptions and general station matters.

Returns and Reports, 1904, 1907-1968.

Financial Records, including Head Office balance sheets and statements for annual reports 1921-1949, annual reports 1921-1947 (incomplete), Australian balance sheets 1894-1957 (incomplete), wool appraisement books, ledgers, journals and cash books.

Land Registers Series, 1906-1961. Various documents concerning sales, deeds, tax and leases.

Miscellaneous Series. N.Z.A.L. Manual of Instructions for Staff 1961, earmarks 1925, government publications 1959-1962.

Records of other companies, associated with N.Z.A.L. 1885-1970.

Station Maps and Plans, 1898-1962.

Queensland station records included in this Sydney Office deposit, of particular interest here, are listed below in detail:

CANOBIE STATION, via Julia Creek.

Annual returns, 1916-1948, A.B.L. 146/159-186.

Staff returns, 1938-1946, A.B.L. 146/867.

Sale to Australian Estates, 1938-1948, A.B.L. 146/1050-1051.

Bores, 1937, A.B.L. 146/1212.

Profit and Loss accounts, 1935-1945, A.B.L. 146/1497-1498.

Profit and Loss figures, 1923/24-1946/47, A.B.L. 146/1502-1503.

Sydney Funds Ledgers, 1940-1948, A.B.L. 146/1590-1596.

Land sales rec.1947, A.B.L. 146/1661.

Land sales made, 1947, A.B.L. 146/1662.

Summary of annual balances, 1927-1948, A.B.L. 146/1671.

Sheep and cattle earmarks, n.d., A.B.L. 146/1940.


Annual returns, 1913-1948, A.B.L. 146/187-217.

Staff returns, 1938-1946, A.B.L. 146/868.

Sale to Australian Estates, 1939-1948, A.B.L. 146/1050-1051.

Bores, 1937-1939, A.B.L. 146/1212

Profit and Loss accounts, 1935-1945, A.B.L. 146/1497-1498.

Profit and Loss figures, 1923/24-1946/47, A.B.L. 146/1502-1503.

Sydney Funds Ledgers, 1940-1948, A.B.L. 146/1590-1596.

Land sales rec., 1947, A.B.L. 146/1661.

Land sales made, 1947, A.B.L. 146/1662.

Summary of annual balances, 1927-1948, A.B.L. 146/1671.

Sheep and cattle earmarks, n.d., A.B.L. 146/1940.


Annual returns, 1907-1952, A.B.L. 146/230-268.

Staff returns, 1938-1949, A.B.L. 146/869.

Wool clip analysis records, 1940-1947, A.B L 146/930-937.

Bores, 1912-1938, A.B.L. 146/1212.

Shearing comparisons, 1930-1934, A.B.L. 146/1218.

Wool shipments, 1926-1939, A.B.L. 146/1218.

Shearing to shearing losses, 1922/23-1941/42, A.B.L. 146/1219.

Profit and loss accounts, 1935-1945, A.B.L. 146/1497-1498.

Profit and loss figures, 1923/24-1946/47, A.B.L. 146/1502-1503.

Sydney Funds Ledgers, 1940-1949, A.B.L. 146/1590-1596.

Summary of annual balances, 1927-1952, A.B.L. 146/1671.

Wool appraisement books, 1939/40-1950/51, A.B.L. 146/1674-1675.

Plan, A.B.L. 146/1843.

MARATHON STATION, via Hughenden.

Annual returns, 1908-1949, A.B.L. 146/363-399.

Staff returns, 1938-1947, A.B.L. 146/874.

Wool clip analysis records, 1940-1947, A.B.L. 146/930-937.

Bores, 1914-1939, A.B.L. 146/1212.

Shearing comparisons, 1930-1934, A.B.L. 146/1218.

Wool shipments, 1296-1939, A.B.L. 146/1218.

Shearing to shearing losses, 1922/23-1941/42, A.B.L. 146/1219.

Profit and loss account, 1935-1945, A.B.L. 146/1497-1498.

Profit and loss figures, 1923/24-1946/47, A.B.L. 1502-1503.

Shearing and lambing comparison, 1923/24-1946/47, A.B.L. 1502-1503.

Sydney Funds Ledgers, 1940-1949, A.B.L. 146/1590-1596.

Schedules of freehold lands, pre 1939, A.B.L. 146/1665.

Summary of annual balances, 1927-1948, A.B.L. 146/1671.

Wool appraisement books, 1939/40-1947/48, A.B.L. 146/1674, 1675.

Sheep and cattle earmarks, n.d., A.B.L. 146/1940.


Annual returns, 1909-1949, A.B.L. 146/400-435.

Staff returns, 1938-1947, A.B.L. 146/875.

Wool clip analysis records, 1940-1947, A.B.L. 146/930-937.

Bores, 1937-1938, A.B.L. 146/1212.

Shearing comparisons, 1930-1934, A.B.L. 146/1218.

Wool shipments, 1926-1939, A.B.L. 146/1218.

Shearing to shearing losses, 1922/23-1941/42, A.B.L. 146/1219.

Profit and loss accounts, 1935-1945, A.B.L. 146/1497, 1498.

Profit and loss figures, 1923/24-1946/47, A.B.L. 146/1502, 1503.

Shearing and lambing comparisons 1923/24-1946/47, A.B.L. 146/1502, 1503.

Sydney Funds Ledgers, 1940-1949, A.B.L. 146/1590-1596.

Summary of annual balances, 1947-1950, A.B.L. 146/1671.

Wool appraisement books, 1939/40-1948/49, A.B.L. 146/1674, 1675.

Sheep and cattle earmarks, n.d., A.B.L. 146/1940.


Annual returns, 1904, 1907-1931, A.B.L. 146/650-692.

Land sales authorities, 1928, A.B.L. 146/1159.

Wool shipments, 1926-1929, A.B.L. 146/1218.

Shearing and shearing losses, 1922/23-1927/28, A.B.L. 146/1219.

Profit and Loss figures, 1923/24-1932/33, A.B.L. 146/1502.

Shearing and lambing comparisons, 1923/24-1932/33, A.B.L. 146/1502.

Land sales rec. 1928, A.B.L. 146/1661.

Summary of annual balances, 1927-1930, A.B.L. 146/1671.

Plan, A.B.L. 146/1854.

TELEMON STATION, via Hughenden, (sold 1948).

Bores, 1937-1938, A.B.L. 146/1212.

Land Tax, 1934-1948, A.B.L. 146/1660.

Land Sales rec. 1947, A.B.L. 146/1661.

Land Sales made, 1947, A.B.L. 146/1662.

Plan, n.d., A.B.L. 146/1870.

WURUNG STATION, via Julia Creek.

Annual returns, 1913-1938, A.B.L. 146/727-752.

Bores, 1914-1937, A.B.L. 146/1212.

Profit and Loss accounts, 1935-1938, A.B.L. 146/1497.

Profit and loss figures, 1923/24-1946/47, A.B.L. 146/1502, 1503.

Summary of annual balances, 1927-1938, A.B.L. 146/1671.

Sheep and cattle earmarks, 1925, A.B.L. 146/1940.

A.B.L.: 146. Note: Records of the N.Z.A.L. Co. head office in Edinburgh, 1860s-1960s are held on microfilm at the National Library, Canberra. A 30 year closure rule applies.