Corporate entry: Peel River Land and Mineral Company Limited


Records 1853-1960. The company was founded in 1853 by the Australian Agricultural Company, following the discovery of gold on the parent company's Peel River Estate. Despite its mining origins, the company moved quickly into the pastoral field, which led in time to large pastoral interests in New South Wales and Queensland. Queensland interests have included Cashmere Station in the Cook District and Corona Station in the Mitchell District. The company sold Corona to the Australian Agricultural Company in 1911. Records are of the Australian and London offices, there are eight deposits comprising 128 linear feet and 17 reels of microfilm. The holding contains comprehensive business records including correspondence, incorporation, capitalisation, financial and station records. A.B.L. total company deposits: 1, 115, 121, 127, 128, 161; microfilms M.38, M.58. Restricted access, post 1940 material.