Party: Aboriginal People in Queensland (1868 - 1903)



Records 1868-1900, 1896-1903. Includes letters regarding welfare, depredations, frontier contact and native police. Indexed under: Correspondence records and printed papers relating to Queensland Aborigines. Original: Queensland State Archives: QSA Col. 140,142,143. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)

Records 1888-1902. Includes letters from selectors concerning welfare, treatment and depredations during frontier contact. Covers Atherton, Bloomfield River, Cape Bedford, Cardwell, Daintree River and Herberton, several folders. Indexed under: Correspondence records relating to the supply of rations to Aborigines. Original: Queensland State Archives: QSA Col. 139. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)