Biographical entry: Etheridge, Robert (1847 - 1920)



Notes, 1895-1920. The English born palaeontologist Robert Etheridge arrived in Australia in the 1860s and worked with the Victorian Geological Survey to 1869. He then returned to England for a period, during which time he corresponded with R. Logan Jack and later they published The Geology and Palaeontology of Queensland and New Guinea in 1892. Etheridge returned to Australia in 1887, he was appointed curator of the Australian Museum in 1893, and died in office in 1920. He had published some 350 scientific papers, including significant works on Australian mining, geology and the Artesian basin, and also on the anthropology of the Aboriginal people. The notes are entitled as follows:

1. Miscellaneous notes on Aborigines, one folder.

2. Notes on Aboriginal place names, one folder.

3. Notes on Ethno-phytology, Australian and Pacific.

4. Aboriginal man in Australia; facts from history, one folder in one box. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) MS.8.