Party: Gardner, William


Manuscript. Primarily relating to Aborigines before and after European settlement in the north and west of New South Wales. Includes some reference to Aborigines of the Fitzroy Region of Central Queensland Native Police activity and frontier incidents, from p.213. Photocopy of vol. l, pt. l of original MS. held in Mitchell Library, CYX A.176.

Lecture by Ludwig Leichhardt, Lecture II, on the journey to Port Essington, presented 25 August 1846, reproduced in Gardner, William, Northern and Western Districts, vol.2, pt.2, pp.224-437. Includes observations of Aborigines encountered during the expedition, with details of their food, comparison of different groups etc. Photocopy of original MS. Held Mitchell Library, CYX A.176. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)