Party: Meston, Archibald (1851 - 1924)



Papers and Correspondence. Archibald Meston arrived in Sydney from Scotland in 1859, he came to southern Queensland in 1874 where he was a plantation manager, newspaper editor, and then M.L.A. for Rosewood from 1878-1882. He edited the Townsville Herald,, February-August 1881, then moved further north where he settled and became a member and later Chairman of the Cairns Divisional Board. A keen naturalist and explorer Meston led a government party to climb Mount Bellenden Ker in January 1889. He was also much concerned for the Aboriginal people and his recommendations on welfare policy were embodied in the Queensland Aboriginal Protection Act of 1897. Archibald Meston wrote constantly, his Geographic History of Queensland was published in 1895 and he contributed regularly to newspapers and periodicals. He was appointed Protector of Aborigines for southern Queensland 1898-1903, which responsibility was extended to include central areas, and in 1901 he was appointed director of the Queensland Tourist Bureau. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) records include the following:

List of Aboriginal names and meanings, pp.140, 50. Includes material relating to the Barren, Burdekin and Mulgrave river areas, Mounts Bellenden Ker and Bartle Frere, Goold and Murray Islands, Rockingham Bay, Torres Strait, the Cloncurry and Townsville areas. Originals held John Oxley Library MS. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)

Typescript extracts of the history of Port Denison, 1867, pp.2, an article written for the Port Denison Times Almanac, describing attempts to explore Upstart Bay in 1859 and conflicts which occurred between Aborigines and the ship's crew. Name of the ship not given. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)

Letter to Under Secretary, Home Office Brisbane from Brisbane, 1 July 1901, comments on western Queensland Aborigines, natural food supply, lack of employment on stations, Aboriginal mortality. Appeals from stations for the provision of food rations, possibility of coastal reserves and restrictions on Aboriginal women, prevailing social conditions. Recommends Harold Meston as travelling Protector for the western region. Typescript, copied, pp.5. Original: Queensland State Archives: QSA Col.144. A.I.A.S.

Letter to Home Secretary, Brisbane from Brisbane 9 December 1901, comments on trial of Aborigine, Bobo, and removal of Aborigines to Durundur, also expenditure on relief, opium in Rockhampton, suggests removal of Aborigines from Keppel Island, and describes conditions prevailing at Emerald, manuscript, pp.7. Original: Queensland State Archives: QSA Col.145. A.I.A.S.

Letter to Home Secretary Brisbane, 18 March 1902, requests permission to remove Aborigines from Barcaldine, suggests relocation at Baramba, Durundur and Fraser Island, manuscript, p.1. Original: Queensland State Archives: QSA CoL140. A.I.A.S.

Letter to Under Secretary, Home Office, Brisbane from Brisbane 24 September 1902, complains of the practice of sending Aborigines from the north to reserves in southern Queensland, typescript, pp.6. Original: Queensland State Archives: QSA Col.143. A.I.A.S.

Telegram to Colonial Secretary, Brisbane from Emerald, 10 July 1902, reports request from local residents to remove Aborigines from Emerald, p.1. Original: Queensland State Archives: QSA A.I.A.S.