Biographical entry: Parry-Okedden, William Edward (1840 - 1926)



Letters 1896-7. Parry-Okeden held a variety of civil service positions, culminating in the post of Queensland Police Commissioner from 1895 to 1905. In 1895 be was sent on a tour of far North Queensland to report on the police force and the condition of the Aboriginal people. His report and recommendations of 1897, contained a damning criticism of the Native Police and was significant in shaping the legislation of that year: An Act to make Provision for the better Protection and Care of the Aboriginal and Half-caste inhabitants of the colony and to make more effectual Provision for Restricting the Sale and Distribution of Opium.

Letter to Home Secretary Brisbane from W.E. Parry-Okeden, 13 October 1896, manuscript, pp.3. Recommends distribution of rations to Aborigines at Cardwell. Original: Queensland State Archives: QSA Col.139.

Letter to Under Secretary, Home Department, Brisbane, from Parry-Okeden, 1 September 1897, manuscript, pp.2. Makes application for additional police protection at Maytown, mentions clashes between Chinese and Aborigines. Original: Queensland State Archives: QSA Col.143. A.I.A.S.