Party: Daintree Family


Biographical Notes. Richard Daintree 1831-1878, an English born geologist and pioneer photographer arrived in Victoria in 1852, he was employed for several years with the Victorian Geological Survey to 1864; in that year he entered a partnership with a friend William Hann in a pastoral venture in north Queensland. Daintree continued with geological and photographic work while he was resident manager of Maryvale Station in the Kennedy District, until 1868 when he was appointed first government geologist in north Queensland. From 1867 to 1870 he was instrumental in the opening of the Cape River, Gilbert and Etheridge gold fields; his photographic work of the period formed the basis of the Queensland contribution at the Exhibition of Art and Industry in London in 1971. Richard Daintree was appointed Queensland Agent General in London in 1872, a post he held to 1876; he died in England two years later, shortly after being awarded the C.M.G.

Typescript. Biographical notes on the family of Richard Daintree, collected and compiled from various sources, pp.8. Oxley: O.M.70-39.

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