Biographical entry: Favenc, Ernest (1845 - 1908)



Diary 1878.1879. English born journalist historian and explorer, Ernest Favenc migrated to Australia in 1863; after a period employed working on north Queensland station properties and in journalism he was chosen to lead an expedition sponsored by the Queenslander newspaper to explore the country between Blackall and Darwin. The party was to report the potential of the region for land use and as a possible route for a railway. Favenc was later involved in exploratory and pastoral activity in the Northern Territory region of the Gulf of Carpentaria from 1883, and from 1888 in exploration of the north-west of Western Australia. A number of his manuscripts were published, most notable being his History of Australian Exploration, 1788-1888. Diary, 1878-1879. Microfilm of original held in Mitchell Library, see Mitchell Library entry for details. Oxley: A.4.10,11.

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