Biographical entry: Gregory, Sir Augustus Charles (1819 - 1905)



Papers 1854-1858. English born surveyor and explorer, Augustus Gregory came to Western Australia with his parents from England in 1829. He later worked with the Government Survey Office in Western Australia, which involved a considerable amount of exploration work. Augustus Gregory headed an exploration party, which included his younger brother Frank, which travelled from the Victoria River in the north-west of the State, to Brisbane via the Gulf of Carpentaria during 1855-1856. Known as the North Australian Expedition, the route taken largely revised that struck by Leichhardt in his journey through Queensland in 1844-1845. In 1858 Augustus Gregory led a party in search of Leichhardt, which journeyed from southern Queensland to Adelaide. Gregory became first Commissioner for Crown Lands in Queensland and Surveyor General in 1859, and was M.L.C. from 1882, until his death in 1905.

Papers 1857-1858. Records relating to the Leichhardt search expeditions. Microfilm of originals held in the Mitchell Library. Oxley: A.4.7.

Papers 1854-1857. Records relating to A.C. Gregory and the North Australian Expedition. Microfilm of originals held in the Mitchell Library. Oxley: A.4.8, 9.

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