Biographical entry: Griffith, Sir Samuel Walker (1845 - 1920)



Papers 1861-ca.1891. Welsh born barrister and scholar, Samuel Griffith arrived in Australia in 1854. He entered politics and was elected M.L.A. for Moreton in 1872, and thereafter held ministerial office including colonial secretary, treasurer, chief secretary and attorney general. Griffith was premier of Queensland 1883-1888 and 1890-1893, and was appointed first chief justice of the High Court of Australia from 1903-1919; he was awarded the K.C.M.G. in 1886 and the G.C.M.G. in 1895. Notebooks relating to classics, history, chemistry, mathematics and physics of Samuel Griffith, 17 volumes. Addresses to Sir Samuel Griffith from various organizations, ca.1885-ca.1891, also one bundle of English essays, one box. Oxley: O.M.64-10.

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