Biographical entry: Hodgkinson, William Oswald (1835 - 1900)



Papers 1876-1900. English born explorer, journalist, miner, goldfield warden and politician. During a vigorous and varied career he participated in the Burke and Wills expedition of 1860, and in both Howitt's and McKinlay's relief expeditions; in 1876 he led a party to explore the region between the Etheridge and Cloncurry mineral fields and further to the Diamantina. In 1878-1883 Hodgkinson was mining warden on the Etheridge field; he was suspended from this position in 1884, but by 1886 was warden on the Gympie field. From 1887 to 1893 he was M.L.A. for Burke, and served for a time as secretary for mines and public instruction. At the time of his death in July 1900 he was editor of the Queensland Government Mining Journal.

Daily diaries 1884, 1886, 1889, 1900, four volumes.

Diary of the North Western Expedition, 4 February-10 March 1876, one volume.

Letterbooks, 1895-1897, two volumes.

Total of seven volumes. Oxley: O.M.72-62.

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