Biographical entry: Whish, Claudius Buchanan (1827 - 1890)



Papers, 1855-ca.1906. C.B. Whish was a pioneer of the sugar industry in Queensland; he arrived at Moreton Bay in 1862 and selected land at Caboolture where he established a plantation called Oaklands. He was a Member of the Legislative Council 1870-1872; in 1872 he sold his sugar interests and joined the public service as a road surveyor. Diaries, 1855-1885, (1867, 1868, 1869 missing). Containing considerable details on the establishment of a sugar industry in Queensland, including a record of Whish's dealing with Captain Louis Hope and John Buhot, also pioneers of the sugar industry. Whish indicates his views on a wide variety of subjects, including the use of coloured labour and the payment of members of parliament. Also included is a book of letters to the editors of various papers and a book of lyrics, some of which were written by Claudius Whish. Additional collection of correspondence, stories, sketches, etc. relating to Whish's family. One tin trunk, 13 parcels. Oxley: O.M.65-33.

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