Party: Wood, Charles Theodore (1888 - 1970)



Papers, 1894-1968. Charles Wood was a reporter on the Brisbane Telegraph 1903-1913, in 1913 he joined the Queensland Parliamentary reporting staff, in 1917 was admitted to the Bar, and from 1933 to 1954 he was Chief Reporter for the Queensland State Reporting Bureau. Correspondence, circulars, reports, receipts, accounts, pamphlets, press extracts, books, photographs, maps, etc. relating to three main subject areas.

1. Material relating to C.T. Wood's career as a journalist and later as a parliamentary reporter. There are also papers relating to the Brisbane Grammar School, at which C.T. Wood was educated.

2. Considerable amount of material on the history and development of the sugar industry in Queensland, including some records of the Queensland Cane Growers' Association.

3. Record relating to family and financial matters.

30 folders, four parcels. Oxley: O.M.L. O.M.71-1.

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