Biographical entry: Daintree, Richard


Four photographs of north Queensland by Richard Daintree: settlers family and hut, miner's bark hut, bush scenes. Daintree pioneered geological exploration in north Queensland, being appointed first government geologist in that region in 1869. In 1871 he was given charge of a Queensland geological display for an exhibition in London and he became Queensland Agent General in London in 1872. FRYER PIC.417.

Two photographs:

1. Gold miner's bark hut, 16 x 9 cm.

2. A typical settler's hut in the early days, 17 x 10 cm. FRYER PIC.415.

One photograph: Agricultural settler's house at the Upper Burdekin Queensland, late 1860s. From Daintree Collection, Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland. 15 x 10 cm. FRYER PIC.240.