Place: Gulf of Carpentaria


Correspondence, report, obituaries, articles, newspaper and periodical extracts. Including:

Report from the engineer for Harbours and Rivers, Brisbane 29 January 1919, following an inspection of the Norman and Albert Rivers, regarding the planned port in the region. Also notes on railway construction in the north west and possible extension to the Gulf. Letter, unsigned to the Rt. Hon. Lord Headley, London from Brisbane business source, 22 January 1922, outlining the need for a port on the Gulf of Carpentaria, and a possible site. Also additional notes and calculations, typescript copy of original.

Three letters regarding the equipping and implementation of lighter services in the proposed port in the Gulf of Carpentaria, January-February 1919, typescript copies of original.

Letter to F.W.S. Cumbrae-Stewart from Geo. Phillips, 1918 regarding historical records of the Gulf of Carpentaria region. DISTRICT FILE, Gulf of Carpentaria, four folders held.