Place: Irvinebank and District


Correspondence and miscellaneous records relating to John Moffat. A Scottish born storekeeper, miner and mining entrepreneur, John Moffat arrived in Queensland in 1862; he spent a period on the Stanthorpe tin mining field to 1880, when he moved to north Queensland where he founded a highly successful mining enterprise. His wide ranging interests included Cloncurry, Kangaroo Hills and most prominent, Irvinebank, where he lived from 1884 to 1912.

In letters to John Moffat from business associates, April 1899-December 1899, 11 items.

One memo, three telegrams to John Moffat, April 1899-December 1899.

Letter, A. Linedale to Mr Young, 4 November 1906, from Berlin, Germany, contains personal matters and travel, and includes some details of mining and business transactions in north Queensland, makes mention of John Moffat, Stannery Hills and the Cloncurry copper mines.

Roll book, Irvinebank, January 1900-February 1952, lists persons [employed?], professions, etc, one exercise book.

Map of proposed tramway, Stannery to Irvinebank, 1906, two copies, different editions, scale 1 inch: 40 chains.

Map, Irvinebank and district, Queensland two mile series.

Photographs, including views of mine site, engine room, tramway, Irvinebank township, mining groups, from 1906.

One envelope of photographs with some negatives.

Newspaper and periodical extracts relating to Irvinebank mining history. DISTRICT FILE, three folders held. See also Moffat, John, in FAMILY FILE, R.H.S.Q. Collection.