Place: Julia Creek and District


Papers of Mr S. Ulick Brown. Includes correspondence with A.A. Morrison, S.E. Pearson, Frank Clune, Queensland Museum, Government Departments, Mount Isa Mines, Qantas and also pastoral families in the Julia Creek district who provided historical information.

Typescript, 'The exploration and initial settlement of the Julia Creek district', by S. Ulick Brown, pp.5, plus other papers by the same author on historical topics.

Miscellaneous rough drafts and notes on historical papers, maps, newspaper extracts collected by Ulick Brown. Paper on early European settlement in the Julia Creek district, n.a., untitled, pp.34.

Pamphlet on Millungera Station, published by the Australian Estates Company, pp.3.

Additional notes and newspaper extracts. DISTRICT FILE, four folders held.