Place: Mackay and District


Correspondence, diary extracts, manuscripts and notes, leaflets, government papers and publications, photographs, maps, newspaper extracts. Including:

Journal of an overland journey from New England to northern Queensland kept by John Mackay, 1860. April 2 1860-June 211860, handwritten extracts, plus three pages of additional notes by Captain Mackay and signed by him, Sydney, 16 July 1878.

Letter, Captain John Mackay to Mr D. Connor from Brisbane, 30 June 1906, contains a description of the journey of exploration in north Queensland, 1860, pp.10.

Letter, Colonial Secretary Sir Arthur Palmer to Captain John Mackay, 3 August 1879, acknowledging his discovery of Mackay, p.1. mounted on cardboard.

Correspondence regarding history research, some with F.W.S. Cumbrae-Stewart.

Notes on a trip to north Queensland, 1921, including sketches of townships and coastal scenes, n.a.

Typescript reports and surveys, regarding the 'Act to enable the Council of the City of Mackay to Execute and Enforce a Town Planning Scheme 1934', with associated papers and an extract from Queensland Government Gazette, 27 November 1934. A copy of the 1934 Act, with map.

Leaflet, History and Background of a Mackay Sugar Mill, published by Australian Estates Co., Pleystowe Mill.

Wm. Lees, Mackay Illustrated, 1907, Country Life, Brisbane, 1907, illus., maps, town plan, historical text, pp.52, two copies held.

Photographs include:

Holy Trinity Church of England Mackay, destroyed in cyclone of 1918.

Collection of seven colour tinted postcards, entitled:

1. Ant Hill [with Aborigine].

2. A Kanaka Garden Party [Group of five Pacific Islanders].

3. Kanaka mustering before leaving for the islands, Mackay, Queensland [embarkation scene].

4. Kanakas leaving for the islands, Mackay, Queensland.

5. Aborigines in camp, Mackay, Queensland.

6. Village Settlement, bed of Pioneer River, Mackay, Queensland.


Mackay Development Plan, 1933.

Additional maps, newspaper special editions and extracts. DISTRICT FILE, 10 folders held.