Biographical entry: Neame, Arthur (1845 - 1933)



Diary, 1877-1882. Covers the periods: 16 May 1877-24 August 1877; 22 April 1878-30 April 1881; 11 May 1882-26 June 1882. Describes his journey from England to Queensland in the P.O. ships, the Australia, the Pelican and the S.S. Normanby, a later voyage to England on the S.S. Kashgar and S.S. Verona, and return on the S.S.Sutiey, also his life in Queensland as the owner of the Macknade sugar plantation on the Herbert River. Photocopy of typescript copy, with notes, foolscap, pp.21, 2. LA TROBE: MS.6675. BOX332/8.

Lectures given by Dr Arthur Neame to schools in England, typescript, foolscap, illus. pp.143-164. Cover title 'The Diary of Arthur Neame, 1870-1897; edited by Sydney May'. Contains genealogical table of William Kent, notes on Jandaryan and Condamine, and five pages of photographs. Photographs incorrectly titled. LA TROBE: MS.7570. BOX 454/2.

Diary of Arthur Neame, 1870-1897; Edited by Sydney May, typescript, foolscap, illus., bound, pp.164, 9, 8. LA TROBE: MS.7615. BOX 545/11.

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