Family: Durack Family


Papers 1868-1950. The Darby and Michael Durack families came from Ireland in 1849 and 1853 respectively, and in their early years held Thylungra Station in south western Queensland. In 1881 Patrick and Michael Durack explored the Kimberley region of Western Australia and deciding for that country they overlanded cattle from Thylungra to the west via Cloncurry and the Gulf of Carpentaria. This epic trip commenced in 1883, plus other continental crossings are recorded in the collection.

Papers, 1868-1950.

Diaries, 1886-1950.

Stock books, 1868-1901.

Correspondence, 1880-1950.

Letter books, 1897-1946.

Notebooks, 1883-1923.

Account books, cheque butts, etc., 1872-1895, 1935-1936.

Miscellaneous document files, photographs and maps.