Place: Barenya Station, Queensland


Documents relating to Sir Samuel McCaughey. Received from Elder Smith & Co. 24 July 1962. They include:

I. Deeds relating to the mortgage of Barenya Station and Stock, 1881-1907. Eight documents, with schedule of deeds and particulars of Barenya.

II. Documents, including items relating to the station properties of Rockwood, Ludgate Hill and Tower Hill, ca.1884-1904.

III. Miscellaneous documents, ca.1879-1899, relating to North Yanco Station, New South Wales, Tower Hill Station and other properties. Seven items in one box. Note: Barenya, Rockwood, Ludgate Hill and Tower Hill Stations are all located to the south of Hughenden. MITCHELL: UNCAT.ML.MSS. SET 529 Item 1.

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