Biographical entry: Bligh, William, Captain (1754 - 1817)



Miscellaneous papers 1787-1793. Ships log 1787-1788. Log of the proceedings of His Majesty's ship .Bounty in a voyage to the South Seas to take the breadfruit plant from the Society Islands to the West Indies, 1 December 1787-22 October 1788. In Bligh's hand. MITCHELL: ML.Z.S1/46.

Index to ship's log, 1788-1789. Index in Bligh's hand to the log of H.M.S. Bounty, 23 October 1788-5 April 1789. This volume of the log is not in the Mitchell Library. MITCHELL: ML.Z.S1/46A.

Ship's log, 1789-1790. Log of the proceedings of H.M.S. Bounty, Lieut. Wm Bligh Commander, from Otaheite towards Jamaica, 5 April 1789-13 March 1790. Bligh took this log with him on the Bounty's launch, transposing into it entries from his notebook "every day when the weather would admit". MITCHELL: ML.Z.S1/47.

Memorandum, 1789. An immediate record of events on the open boat voyage to Timor, 28 April-14 June 1789. Bligh's log, held in the Mitchell Library is an extended version of the memorandum. The latter includes some minor additional material not in the log. Microfilm one reel, negative and positive held. MITCHELL: Microfilm FM.4/4344.

Extracts from ship's log, 1789. Voyage of the Bounty launch, 1789. In Bligh's hand. Prepared for Sir Joseph Banks and prepared with note by Bligh that it was "...copied out of his common log of daily occurrences written by himself at Timor and Batavia..." with original charts. MITCHELL: ML.Z.S1/37.

Ship's log, 1791-1793. Log of proceedings of H.M.S. Providence on a second voyage to the South Sea, 17 July 1791- 6 September 1793. Two volumes. MITCHELL: ML.Z.A564.

Report to Sir Joseph Banks, 1793. Account of the result of Captain Bligh's voyage to procure plants in the South Sea. 9 March 1793. Tabulated manuscript, signed by Bligh and addressed to Sir Joseph Banks. Banks papers - Bradbourne collection, Vol.5, Bligh, p.278. MITCHELL: ML.Z.A78.

Survey, 1792. Survey of the straits between New Holland and New Guinea, with Bligh's autograph. Shows Cook's discoveries in the Endeavour, and Bligh's tracks in the Bounty's launch. 19" x 24½", n.d., n.a. MITCHELL: ML.MB.2/890/1792/1.

Drawings. Drawings by Wm Bligh Commander of His Majesty's ship Providence. One volume containing 58 drawings, of which 36 are by Bligh and the rest probably by midshipman George Holwell. These are titled in Bligh's hand but marked 'G.H.'. MITCHELL: ML.Z.PXA565.

Journal and sketches. Journal and sketches of H.M.S. Providence by G. Tobin. Sketches held at PXA563, microfilm at FM.4/2402-3. Sketches of Torres Strait, pp.76-77. MITCHELL: A562-563, Microfilm FM.4/2402-2403.

Correspondence. Correspondence relating to William Bligh is contained in a number of Mitchell Library collections. The whole of the correspondence between Bligh and his friend and patron Sir Joseph Banks, which covers Bligh's career from his appointment to command the Bounty is contained in the Banks papers. Elsewhere the papers of William Bligh and the Bligh Family, are also relevant here.

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