Biographical entry: Edwards, Edward, Captain


Papers concerning the mutiny on the Bounty and the voyage of H.M.S. Pandora, under the command of Captain E. Edwards, 1790-1792. The Pandora was sent by the Admiralty to Tahiti in 1790, to apprehend the Bounty mutineers. This done, she sailed west to Torres Strait, where surveys were carried out through Endeavour Strait. Murray Island was named, but in August 1791 the Pandora struck the Great Barrier Reef and sank, with the loss of 35 lives. The 99 survivors sailed in crowded life boats to the Dutch East Indies, via Plum Island and the Prince of Wales Channel.

A. Biographical data on Captain Edwards.

B. Contents list of items in C. and D. below. Items have not been filmed in order of this contents list.

C. Papers concerning the mutiny on the Bounty 1789-1792, and Peter Heywood, 1789.

D. Papers concerning the voyage of H.M.S. Pandora and its loss and the court martial of Captain E. Edwards, 1790-1792.

Microfilm, one reel positive. Not to be reproduced without the permission of the Admiralty Library. MITCHELL: FM.4/2098.

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