Biographical entry: Henry, Ernest M. (1837 - 1919)



Papers, journals and correspondence, ca.1849-1888. Letters and journals, 1861-1882, relating to Ernest Henry's exploratory, pastoral and mining activities in northern and western Queensland. MITCHELL: A.628, Microfilm FM.4/3097.

Papers and letters. Letter, Henry to his mother, ca.1852, while he was studying at navigation school at Portsmouth.

Letter, Henry to his mother, 8 June 1886, from Cloncurry, describing his recent trip to Tasmania.

Letter, Henry to his mother, 19 August 1888, from Cloncurry describing a recent prospecting trip during which he located gold. The letter is written in diary form from 4 August.

Bill, from Gundry & Son, [1849?]. MITCHELL: A.1107, Microfilm FM.4/3097 of Item 3.

Journal, 1866-1867. Contains an account of Henry's discovery of copper in the Cloncurry district, the lode was exploited as the Great Australian Copper Mine. MITCHELL: C.272, Microfilm FM.4/3097.

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