Party: Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825 - 1895)



Papers, 1846-1878. The eminent biologist, who spent three years in and around the coastlines of Australia and New Guinea, while serving as assistant surgeon on the survey vessel H.M.S. Rattlesnake. Includes letters from R.D. Adams 1888-1889, J. Bonwick 1870, 1894, R. King 1863, J.L.G. Krefft 1872, W.B.D.Mantell 1861, N. de Miklouho-Maclay 1870-1878, and papers on Australian and Papuan anthropology 1848-1872, with positions at noon of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, from 11 December 1846-25 October 1850. Originals held in Unwin Library of City and Guilds College, South Kensington, London. Microfilm, one negative reel. Detailed list is at A.3923 item 26. MITCHELL: MICROFILM FM.4/216.

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