Biographical entry: King, Phillip Parker (1791 - 1856)



Various collections. Correspondence of Phillip Parker King, chiefly letters received 1824-1855, pp.363, one volume. Material relating to Queensland includes:

Letter, B. Drury to P.P. King, written from H.M.S. Pelorus, Victoria, 25 November 1839, describing the passage of the Gilmore from Sydney to Port Essington, 26 September-29 October 1839, pp.133-135.

Letter, A.L. Kuper to P.P. King, headed H.M.S. Pelorus, Port Essington 25 November 1839. Describes the voyage along the Queensland coast and through Torres Strait, it compliments King on the accuracy of his charts, and encloses copies of two letters on the same subject from J.H. Brown of the Arabian, and Edw. Thacker of the Gilmore, pp.137-140.

Three letters, F.P. Blackwood to P.P. King, 2 July, 6 October 1843, 20 July 1944, regarding the progress of the survey voyage of H.M.S. Fly, pp.213-225.

Additional letters to P.P. King, from Sir Thomas Mitchell 1836-1845, and from Ludwig Leichhardt 1847.

Also letters with references to the Charles Eaton which was wrecked near Sir Charles Hardy Island in 1836, and additional comments on coastal survey work. MITCHELL: Papers of P.P. King in the Lethbridge Collection, A.3599, microfilm FM.4/66.

Journal and log of H.M. Cutter Mermaid, 1817-1821, and log of H.M. Survey Vessel Bathurst, 1821-1822.

A. Journal H.M. Cutter Mermaid Phillip P. King Lieut. Commdt, 6 September 1817-29 July 1818, and log of the proceedings of His Majesty's Cutter Mermaid Phillip Parker King Esq. Lt. Commdt., 23 April 1818-13 October 1818; 19 September 1819-23 May 1920; 6 May 1820-24 January 1821.

B. Log of the proceedings of His Majesty's Survey Vessel Bathurst Lieut. Phillip Parker King commanding, 25 May-4 July 1821; 20 March-5 May 1822; 25 July-27 November 1822. Microfilm, two reels positive. Not to be reproduced without the permission of the Admiralty Library, London. MITCHELL: FM.4/2094-2095.

Log of H.M. Cutter Mermaid and H.M. Brig .Bathurst, 30 July 1818-11 June 1821 while surveying the Australian coast.

A. Log etc. H.M. Cutter Mermaid commencing 30 July 1818 and ending 4 October 1819. Does not appear to be P.P. King's handwriting.

B. Log of H.M. Cutter Mermaid and Brig Bathurst (third voyage), commencing June 15th 1820 ending June 11th by Phillip P. King Lieut. Commanding. Entries for 15 June-2 December 1820 and 25 May-11 June 1821 are in P.P. King's handwriting. Entries for 4 December 1820-23 May 1821 are in the same handwriting as above. Microfilm, one reel positive. Not to be reproduced without the permission of the Admiralty Library, London. MITCHELL: FM.4/2113.

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