Family: Macarthur Family


Records of the Macarthur family of Camden Park Primarily of New South Wales interest, but some material notably correspondence of north Queensland relevance. These include:

1. James Macarthur to Sir W. Denison, 27 June 1857, advocating the establishment of a settlement on the Torres Straits, Vol.24, pp.180-183.

2. Sir Charles Nicholson to James Macarthur, 12 September 1857, giving impressions of the country between Rockhampton and Port Denison. Vol.28, pp.633-655.

3. Charles Jervoise Scott to Sir William Macarthur, 27 April, 3 May, 4 and 16 June, 20 October, 8 November, 4 December 1864. Describes rigours of pioneering Valley of Lagoons run. Vol.42, pp.5-16, 21-32, 69-84, 93-100, 133-140.

4. Walter Jervoise Scott to Sir William Macarthur, 27 April, 20 October 1864. Vol.42, pp.7, 72-73, 84.

5. Lady Bowen to Sir William Macarthur, 29 September 1865, describing the event of Sir George Bowen turning the first sod of the Rockhampton Railway. Vol.42, pp.153-154.

6. Walter Jervoise Scott to Sir William Macarthur, 17 June 1874, expressing thanks for making him a member of the Agricultural Society; Scott offers to send details of north Queensland soils, climate, etc. Vol.43, pp.114-116.

7. Letters of Ludwig Leichhardt, 1844-1850. Vol.96. MITCHELL: A.2897-3004.

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