Biographical entry: MacGillivray, John


Journals, correspondence and notes. Log of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, 24 September 1846-27 August 1848. Fair copy, pp.225, 31½ cm. Covers the voyage under the command of Owen Stanley to Sydney, thence to Moreton Bay, Port Curtis and Cape Upstart, to Sydney and then Rockingham Bay where the explorer E.B.C. Kennedy and party were landed, then on to Pipon Island off Cape Melville. MITCHELL: ML.MSS.A.3925.

Letters and notes written while on H.M.S. Rattlesnake 1844-1849.

Journal written on board H.M.S. Herald 1852-1855.

I. A. Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake. Correspondence 1847-9. Containing copies of letters on natural history to Professor Edward Forbes 1847-1849, John Gould 1848-1849, Sir William J. Hooker 1848-1849, Dr J.D. Hooker 1848 and Adam White 1848.

B. Notebook containing notes on natural history of Cape York and northern Australia.

II. Voyage of H.M.S. Herald under the command of Captain H. Mangles Denham R.N., being private journal kept by John MacGillivray, naturalist, 21 February 1852-January 1855. Also included are extracts from Mr Calvert's manuscript 26 July 1853. The journal is illustrated with small sketches. (No.7 of A.L. Faber Microfilm Library ANL.G.746). Journal not to be reproduced without permission of the Admiralty Library, London. Microfilm, one negative, one positive reel. Original notebooks held by Miss R.A.V. McCulloch, Hobart, Tasmania; Journal, Admiralty Library, London. MITCHELL: ML.MSS.FM.4/2092, FM.4/2231.

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