Biographical entry: Marriott, Ida, Mrs Charles Bruce, nee Lee


Notebooks and correspondence, 1898-1922, on exploration of Australia, 1791-1821. Ida Marriott was an authoress of books on maritime voyages connected with Australia; many contain extracts from the journals and logbooks of the navigators. Her Early Explorers in Australia contains lengthy extracts from the exploration journals of Allan Cunningham. The most relevant records here, are probably contained in Section I of the collection, and are listed herewith:

I. Notebooks, including correspondence and photographs, ca.1770-1840.

A. Mainly miscellaneous notes and extracts from the logbooks of maritime expeditions and surveys, related to Australia and the South Seas, ca.1770-1840. Vols. ML.MSS.75/1-19.

B. Manuscript copy of Captain William Bligh's logbook of voyage of H.M.S. Providence, 1791-1793. Includes photographs of charts and illustrations relating to the voyage. Vols. ML.MSS.75/20-22.

C. Manuscript copy of Nathaniel Portlock's logbook of voyage of H.M.S. Assistant, 1791-1793. Includes photographs and plates relating to the voyage. Vols.ML.MSS.75/23-24.

D. Manuscript copy of exploration journals of George Caley 1802-1840, and Allan Cunningham 1817-1819, transcribed from the copies in the British Museum, Natural History, including letters by Allan Cunningham to Sir Joseph Banks and William Aiton, 1817-1821. Sections II and III comprise correspondence of Ida Marriott, and miscellaneous material. Vols. ML.MSS.75/25-28. 29 volumes, one 2" box. MITCHELL: ML.MSS.75.

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