Party: Presbyterian Church Board of Ecumenical Mission and Relations


Records of missionary activity in north Australia, India and the New Hebrides. Includes records of Aurukun, Mapoon and Weipa Missions, and material regarding Pacific Islander recruitment. Listed as arranged by numbered cartons.

Carton No. 1.

1. Journal of F.J. Paton 23 April 1893-31 December 1893.

2. Journal of F.J. Paton 1 January 1894-21 November 1900.

3. Journal of F.J. Paton 21 November 1900-19 June 1903, includes constitution of the New Hebrides Mission Synod of 1892.

4. Journal of F.J. Paton 20 June 1903-31 December 1907.

5. Travel Diary 15 October 1911-11 January 1912.

6. Journal of Mrs Helen Paton September 1899-4 November 1900.

7. Journal of Mrs Helen Paton 18 December 1900-11 June 1901.

8. Journal of Mrs Helen Paton 12 June 1901-July 1901.

9. Journal of Mrs Helen Paton 17 July 1901-5 March 1902.

10. Journal of Mrs Helen Paton 6 March 1902-13 April 1902.

11. Journal of Mrs Helen Paton 1 January 1903-24 March 1905.

Carton No.2.

1. Thesis, Early Australian Contacts with the New Hebrides to 1888, by K.J. Swan, M.A. University of Sydney, 1958.

2. Our New Hebrides Mission, March 1916.

3. Manuscript, Erromanga, Vol.1.1774-1839, Chapters I, II, by H.A. Robertson, incomplete.

4. List of native teachers, 1907-1910, and beginning from the back: Synod June 1920-Synod 1925, including:

A. Note of payments for missionaries, 1918.

B. Note of payments for missionaries, 1919.

C. Note of advances for missionaries, 1924.

5. Diary, containing population of Anewa 1903, and a note by John G. Paton, 20 August 1893-23 May 1894.

6. Illustrations of the autobiography of John G. Paton D.D., 1892.

7. Manuscript without cover, probably from a diary of John G. Paton.

8. Translation of the Bible in an Island language, Acts 21:27-28:1.

9. Ta Poto Fasao Fakonia, Mo Fasao Tapu, (1-107). Notes on verses of scripture. [?].

Carton No.3.

1. Diary of events at Weipa, 1 May 1931-December 1933.

2. Diary, 1934.

3. Diary, 1935.

4. Diary, 1936.

5. Diary, 1937.

6. Diary, 1 January 1938-19 March 1938.

7. Diary, 20 March 1938-December 1938.

8. Diary, 1939.

9. Diary, 1940, (to 29 May).

10. Diary, 1941, (from 12 April).

11. Diary, 1942.

12. Telegrams, Weipa Mission Station, 2 July 1941-23 April 1942.

13. Diary, Reverend J.B. McCarthy, 1 January 1945-23 August 1945.

14. Diary, Reverend J.B. McCarthy, 17 June 1946-10 November 1946.

15. Diary, Reverend J.B. McCarthy, 28 April 1947-2 September 1947.

16. Weekly cash book, Weipa, November 1963-January 1966.

17. New village equipment and furniture, Weipa, 3 June 1965-20 July 1965.

Carton No.4.

1. Newspaper extracts on Mapoon, (Mrs Hey).

2. Newspaper extracts on Mapoon, (Mrs Ward).

3. Newspaper, journal and periodical extracts, 1892-1967, one folder.

4. Annual reports of the Chief Protector of Aboriginals, 1903-1917.

5. Letters to Mr & Mrs Hey and Mrs Ward from Mapoon correspondents, 1917-1967.

6. Miscellaneous letters, reports, addresses, articles, etc, one folder:

A. Programme of the church opening at Aurukun, 15 September 1910.

B. Report on the church opening at Mapoon out-station, 19 October 1910.

C. Extracts from diary of Mr Hey, regarding visit to Weipa and Aurukun, n.d.

D. Report of a visit to Mapoon, by Reverend A. Richter of Aurukun, April 1910.

E. Letter, Miss McGibbon from Mrs E. Richter, Aurukun, 10 January 1911.

F. Letter, Queensland Board of Foreign Missions from Robert Hall, Weipa, 19 October 1912.

G. Annual report of the Mapoon Mission Station, for year ending 30 June 1922.

H. Letter, from J.R. Love, Herb Mayer and F.W. Mackenzie, 19 July 1924, with minutes of Presbyterian Missionary Council in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

I. Typescript of address by J.N. Hey to be read at the Foreign Mission Demonstration during the Federal Assembly, Melbourne, September 1933 with duplicate copy.

J. Circular from church office, article on Foreign Missions, December 1935.

K. Minutes of first Missionary Council of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland, held at Aurukun, 30 August 1938.

L. Note on Mission accounts.

M. Report of visit to Mission Stations.

N. Minutes of Second Missionary Council of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland, held at Aurukun, 13 August 1941.

O. A Heathen Indian Wedding, [no details].

P. Documents relating to the Mornington Murder Trial, 29 November 1917, copies of originals.

Q. An Amazing Woman of the Presbyterian Church, by Ron Scott.

R. Dedication of Communion Table in Memory of the late Reverend J.N. Hey, 1 May 1953.

S. Report of General Secretary A.P.B.M., on a visit to the Indian field, 10 November 1954-13 December 1954.

T. Aurukun's 60th Birthday, 1964.

7. A Brief History of the Presbyterian Mission Enterprise among the Australian Aboriginals, by Reverend J.N. Hey.

8. Folder entitled: Mrs Ward & Mr and Mrs Hey, containing:

A. Diary of Mrs M.H. Ward, 5 January 1895-30 November 1897, and notes: M.H. Barnes November 1883, and Children's Sayings, 1901.

B. Diary of Mrs Ward, October 1906-7 January 1914.

C. Report entitled Federal Assembly's Mission, on the foundation of the Mission Station at Mapoon, in the handwriting of Mr Hey, corrections probably by Mr J.G. Ward.

D. Passport photograph of Mr J.G. Ward. E. Speeches on Mapoon, two handwritten drafts.

F. Impressions of India, [Mrs Ward?],

G. Letter, Mrs William Jones from Mrs Hey, Mapoon, 3 August 1909, extracts.

H. Annual report of Mapoon for 1907, by N. Hey.

I. Visitor's Book, 1896-1917, copy of original.

J. N. Hey's Assembly Address 1912.

K. Diary of Mapoon, Mrs Ward, 1914-1915, with photographs.

L. Church reports, 1916.

M. Letters to soldiers from Mrs Hey, during World War II.

N. Report of mission work at Mapoon Station 1900-1901, printed.

O. The Moravian Church by J.N. Hey, two copies.

P. The Mystery and Ministry of Human Suffering by J.N. Hey, two copies.

Q. A brief history of the Presbyterian Church's mission enterprise among the Australian Aborigines by J.N. Hey, two copies.

R. A visit to Mapoon by J.N. Hey, two copies.

S. Manuscript, The Great Drama of Death and Life Beyond by J.N. Hey.

T. Manuscript, The Moravian Church, Unitas Fratrum, by J.N. Hey.

9. Publications:

A. Love, J.R.B. Our Australian Blacks, 1922, two copies.

B. Matthew, H.C. ed. The Aborigines Calling, two copies.

C. The Aborigines Protector, Oct. 1936, Jan. 1939

D. Duguid, C. The Future of the Aborigines of Australia.

E. Webb, T.T. From Spears to Spades.

F. Thatcher, M.M. Our Own Country.

G. La Trobe, B., The Moravian Missions, A Glance at 164 Years.

H. Shawe, C.H. The Moravian Church and What it Stands for.

I. Picaninnies.

J. Black fellows of Australia.

K. Walkabout, July 1939, February 1958.

L. A.M.B., The Four Years on Tanna, John G. Paton.

M. Ernabella, 1937, 1940.

N. Miscellaneous bulletins, reports, programmes, mainly on Aborigines.

Carton No.5.

1. Newspaper extracts 1890-1895, on New Hebrides, Kanaka labour Queensland, collected by John G. Paton.

2. Minutes of New Hebrides Presbyterian Mission Synod, 1857-8 July 1885, with appendix: report of committee anent matters in dispute between Messrs Milne and MacDonald.

3. Minutes of New Hebrides Presbyterian Mission Synod, 29 June 1886-21 June 1900.

4. Minutes of New Hebrides Presbyterian Mission Synod, 1 July 1901-10 August 1938.

Carton No. 6.

1. Manuscript, English-Worrora Dictionary with phrases.

2. Manuscript, grammar and vocabulary of the Worrora Tribe, Port George IV Mission, N.W. Australia.

3. Typescript, English-Worrora vocabulary, by J.R.B. Love, two copies.

4. Worrora grammar, by J.R.B. Love, two copies.

5. Folder containing:

A. Stockbook, April 1915.

B. Map of Worrora Tribal Area, hand drawn.

C. Manuscript, Grammar of the Worrora Tribe, by J.R.B. Love.

D. Diary of J.R. Love, 14 December 1914-17 February 1915, loose papers only.

E. Letter, Mr Dods from Mr Love, 7 December 1914.

F. Reports to the Foreign and Aborigines Committee, Presbyterian Church, Western Australia, 22 December 1914, 19 February 1915, 2 July 1915.

G. Manuscript, Grammar of the Worrora language, by J.R.B. Love.

H. Love, J.R.B. An Introduction to the Worrora Language, Part II, reprint from Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, Vol.xvii, 1931-1932.

6. Register of meteorological observations taken at Port George IV, 1 July 1925-31 March 1935.

7. Mission Diary, Port George IV, 1 April 1921-12 October 1923.

8. Mission Diary, Port George IV, 13 October 1923-7 December 1925.

9. Register of births, baptisms, communion roll, deaths, list of attendants at the Mission, (Kunmunya), Christmas Day 1935, also blood tests, 1 January 1920-13 January 1960.

10. Journal, Port George IV, 25 November 1934-2 April 1939.

11. Journal, Port George IV, 9 April 1939-30 January 1944.

12. Visit to Mowanjum by Reverend G. Anderson, 2 October 1959-30 October 1959.

13. Notes on South Pacific Conference at Noumea by V.W. Coombes, 16 April 1953-27 April 1953.

14. The Gospel of Christ takes Tooth at Houailou, New Caledonia.

15. Salaries and regulations file, regarding appointment of missionaries. Also contains:

A. Report on conference between Aborigines Welfare Board and churchmen, held 9 June 1961.

B. Australian Aborigines, lecture notes by V.W. Coombes, 1956.

C. Booklet, A Proposal for Christian Broadcasting from Australia to South-east Asia, 1961.

D. Some problems of assimilation, address by Paul Hasluck, 28 August 1959, with notes for the budget debate 1959-1960.

E. British newsletter on Vila, March 1963.

16. China Revisited by B. Burgoyne Chapman, 1957.

17. Notes on language:

A. Epi.

B. Paama.

C. Aneitum, Futuna, Erromanga, Tanna, Aniwa, Efate (Addenda to Parts I and II).

D. Translations in the languages of Ngouna, Tonga and the northern part of Efate, Emae and Makura.

18. Manuscript, The Life of Reverend J. Noble MacKenzie by Dr K. Bowden.

19. Photographs of Japan with explanatory notes from M. Withess, July 1952.

Carton No. 7.

1. Photograph album, New Hebrides and India.

2. Photograph album, Scotland, South Africa, Australia, New Hebrides.

3. Album of newspaper extracts, mainly regarding 'coloured' labour in Queensland, New Hebrides and Fiji.

4. Photograph album on New Hebrides Mission and missionaries.

5. Minutes of meetings, New Hebrides sub-committee, 17 March 1924-5 February 1943.

6. Foreign mission reports, 1859-1907.

7. Miscellaneous essays, reports, official publications regarding the New Hebrides, including Draft Convention 27 February 1906, The Protocol regarding the New Hebrides, 6 August 1914.

8. Miscellaneous essays, articles, reports regarding the New Hebrides.

9. Newspaper extracts regarding overseas missions.

10. Correspondence between Reverend F.H.L. Paton and A.K. Lethbridge, 1918-1919, regarding the future of the New Hebrides and the Peace Conference debate.

11. Correspondence, government and private, regarding the New Hebrides.

12. Scroll minute book, Heathen Missions Committee, 11 December 1896-31 October 1880[?].

13. Scroll minute book, New Hebrides Mission Committee, 13 February 1872-7 November 1876.

14. Scroll book, New Hebrides, July 1871-April 1872.

15. Minutes of meetings, New Hebrides Mission Committee, 16 November 1870-19 September 1876.

16. Minutes of meetings, New Hebrides Mission Committee, 3 July 1896-7 February 1899.

17. Minutes of meetings, New Hebrides Mission Committee, 22 March 1899-27 May 1902.

18. Minutes of meetings, New Hebrides Mission Committee, 1902-1906.

19. Minutes of meetings, New Hebrides Mission Committee, 26 October 1904-17 March 1910.

20. Diary, Reverend J.H. Davies, 21 August 1889-31 March 1890.

21. Manuscripts, Modern Missions and Others, [J.H. Davies?].

22. Diary of R.M. Eraser.

23. Diary of a journey to the New Hebrides, R.M. Eraser, June 1912.

24. Missionary Medical Training School [?].

25. Journal of F.J. Paton, March-October 1896.

26. Court proceedings, New Hebrides.

27. New Hebrides Book of Words, by W. Watt, Tanna.

28. Manuscript, Sermons by Dr Geddie.

29. Diary, J.G. Paton, 1905.

30. Record book of the Church of Erakor.

31. Manuscript of stories and historical events from the New Hebrides.

Additional records, New Hebrides.

New Hebrides Presbyterian Mission, Rules for the Guidance of Missionaries 1903, 20 copies. Rules and Forms of Procedure of New Hebrides Mission Synod, provisionally agreed upon at Aneityum, June 1892, 15 copies.

Twelfth Annual Report, 1875, [of Mayspring?]. Address at close of Mission Synod ... 1899 by Reverend Peter Milne, Nguna, Moderator.

Joint court of the New Hebrides, Rules for the Regulation of Titles to Land.

Registration of the births of missionaries' children in the New Hebrides, 1884-1894.

Synod letters, December 1911-1924.

Notes on New Hebrides 1886.

Item regarding Min.47. Synod 19.[?].

Title deeds of Aneitum, copy.

Papers regarding insurance, [Mayspring?].

A Missionary's Wife, being the sketch of the life and character of Mrs Inglis by her husband Reverend John Inglis D.D.

Reports, Reverend T. Watt Legatt, 1903-1905.

The Missionary Record of the United ... Church of Scotland.

Joint Court, New Hebrides Rules ... Procedure 191-.

A Joint Regulation No.1 of 1908, (interim sale of land).

A Joint Regulation No.1 of 1911, (to prevent the consumption of alcoholic liquor by natives).

Pacific Order in Council, 1893.

Draft Convention respecting the New Hebrides, 27 February 1906.

Correspondence, Robert M. Fraser, 1900-1901.

N.S.W. Government Gazette Extraordinary, 1872.

King's Regulation No. 1 of 1912, to provide for the control of the recruitment and employment of native labourers in the New Hebrides.

Report on the trade of the New Hebrides by Captain ... R.N. August 1905.

King's Regulation No. 1 of 1913, to provide for the control of the recruiting and employment of native labourers by British subjects in the New Hebrides.

Treaty Series No.3, 1908 exchange of notes between the United Kingdom and France - arrangements under Article -4 of the Convention of October 20, 1906, respecting the New Hebrides, August 29, 1907.

Suppression of kidnapping, Sydney Mail, 21 June 1873.

Extracts from the Messanger, 1905-1906.

Naval reports, Australian station, New Hebrides, 1903-1905.

Journal, F.J. Paton, 17 August 1881-31 December 1883.

March 1884-March 1888.

5 March 1888-21 January 1892. MITCHELL: UNCAT.ML.MSS.1893.

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