Biographical entry: Renouard, David Thomas


Narrative, 1864. Voyage of the Pandora's tender, the Matuavi (formerly the Resolution), 1791. Transcript by Alfred Pursehouse Driver, 7 September 1864, from the original narrative by David Thomas Renouard. The narrative covers the voyage of the Pandora from Portsmouth 7 November 1790 to Tahiti, and the subsequent voyage of the Matuavi which lost touch with the Pandora among the Friendly Isles. Describes the eventful voyage of the Matuavi past the New Hebrides and through the Torres Straits to Sourabaya, the reUnion with the survivors of the Pandora at Samarang, and eventual return to England, 25 December 1791. The last two and a half pages of the manuscript describe Renouard's further naval service, 1792-1795. 14ff. 41 cm. MITCHELL: D.377.

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