Family: Strong Family


Fragmentary papers, 1835-1874. Hugo Strong's family resided in Bath England, and in Hamburg Germany, and he was related to the Schultz and Schroder families. Strong arrived in Australia in ca.1859, and in 1860 he accompanied John Mackay for part of the journey on an expedition from Armidale N.S.W. to the Pioneer Valley in north Queensland.

I. Family papers, 1859-1874.

A. Correspondence, 1859-1860.

i. Letters in English and German to Alfred Strong, Hugo's brother from his relations in Bath and Hamburg, January-December 1860. One volume.

B. Legal papers of the Strong, Schultz and Schroder families, 1868-1874.

i. Contract of sale of houses in Hamburg, 1868. One folder. MITCHELL: ML.MSS.980.

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