Biographical entry: Torres, Luis Vaez de


Various collections. Spanish navigator and captain of the San Pedrico, which sailed from Peru in 1605 to the South Pacific. The expedition of three vessels under Pedro Fernandes de Quiros, went both to spread Christianity and to seek out the legendary continent Terra Australis Incognita. Quiros turned back from the New Hebrides, but Torres continued west, and in 1606 sailed through the strait which was later named to honour him. The Spanish seamen were unaware of the Australian land mass, to the south of their route. Records relating to Torres are contained in several Mitchell Library collections, they include the following:

Records of Torres' voyages. Comprising a letter, Luis Vaez de Torres to Phillip III of Spain, from Manila, 12 July 1607, additional letters and plans of anchorages, and a relation, or narrative written later by Prado.

Narrative. Diego de Prado y Tovar, 'Relacion sumaria del del descumbrim te que enpeco Fenandes de Quiros Portugues enla mar del zur en las partes Australes … y Ie acabo el cap an don Diego de Prado … con Asistencia del Capan Luis Baes de Torres … 1607'. Compiled by Prado from his original journal, the narrative gives a detailed account of the voyage from New Hebrides through Torres Strait to Manila. An English translation by G.F. Barwick is included, also a list of abstracts and manuscript contents. MITCHELL LIBRARY SAFE: 1/73; photocopy A.1972; also remarks on manuscript by A. Gschaedler A.2508.

Documents in the archives of Leon and Castille, Spain. Relating to Torres and Prado, includes:

Original letter of Torres.

Letter from Prado to the King of Spain.

Resume of Prado's letter from Manila, 1608. Photoprints of originals, 32ff, 25 cm, not to be issued. MITCHELL: B.1435.

Forsyth, John Walter. An amateur historian, mainly interested in early voyages in the Pacific and the history of cartography of the Australian region. This extensive collection includes manuscript material and notes on Torres. Contents list available. MITCHELL: ML.MSS3.979, also microfilm FM.3/674-5, 3/678, 3/700 FM.4/2227,4/2229.

Forsyth, John Walter. Typescript. Cook's debt to Torres - Some notes on the history of the exploration and cartography of the Torres Straits, [1960?], photocopy, one folder. MITCHELL: ML.MSS.574.

O'Hagan, John. Typescript. The use of Torres' charts by 17th Century cartographers, paper read at a meeting of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland, 26 February 1959, charts, photocopy, one folder. MITCHELL: ML.MSS.642, also microfilm FM3/525.

Bayldon, F.J. Capt. Letter. Captain F.J. Bayldon to Hakluyt Society, 12 June 1930, stating that Torres sailed along the south coast of New Guinea and not through Endeavour Strait, as affirmed by H.M. Stevens in his: New Light on the Discovery of Australia. MITCHELL: AB.143.

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