Family: Walker Family


Family trees, Walker and Archer families.

Family tree, The Walker Families 1938. Compiled by Archibald Larnack Walker showing the relationship between the Archer family of Queensland, James Walker of Wallerowang, William Walker of Riley, Jones and Walker, the Walkers of Tenterfield, Senator J.T. Walker and Dame Edith Walker.

Also 'Archer-Familien', tree of the Archer family of Queensland. Photoprints. Microfilm on reel with Archer T. 'Recollections of a Rambling Life', an unpublished typescript, is at FM.4/205. The material was lent for copying by G.L. Archer of Lindfield, 1956. The same. Photographic copy of Archer family tree made by the New South Wales Public Works Department in xv*/Family Trees. Barcro neg. is at FM.2/92. MITCHELL: A.3974, microfilm FM.4/205.

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