Party: Australia Union Steam Navigation Company


Papers, from ca.1857. Letter, E.S. Dawes to James Bums on Seamen's Unions, 1857.

Review of competitive position of and possible amalgamation with the Queensland Steam Shipping Co., by J.B. Robinson, 1884.

Report of annual general meeting, Queensland Steam Shipping Co. Ltd., 1885, photocopy.

Report of Consul, McMill, on trade, commerce and general matters relating to the Island of Java for 1886, photocopy.

A.U.S.N. Co.'s statement of combined fleets of newly formed company after amalgamation of Australasian Steam Navigation Co., and Queensland Steam Shipping Co. Ltd., 1887, copy.

First report of the Australian Steamship Owners' Federation, to 31 December 1900, copy.

Prospectus, Australian New Hebrides Co. Ltd., 1889.

Prospectus, A.U.S.N. Co., for issue of £300,000 4% debentures, 1897. FISHER: Archives Floor 7 1.J/2.