Party: Australian Meat Industry Employees' Union


Federal Council. Records 1906-1968. The Australian Federated Butchers Employees' Union was formed in 1905 with a loose system of federal organization. This system continued after 1912 when the Union became the A.M.I.E.U. As Commonwealth Industrial Arbitration developed the Federal Council assumed greater importance. A full-time federal secretariat was established in the 1960s.

Annual conference reports, A.F.B.E.U., 1906-1907.

Minutes of meetings A.M.I.E.U., 1923-1966.

Correspondence 1934-1969.

Annual conference reports, A.M.I.E.U., 1912-1932.

Arbitration papers, 1932-1963.

Annual reports, Australian Meat Board, 1948-1968.

Central executive minutes, A.L.P., 1960-1964. 1.2m, inventory available. Apply to archivist for access. W.U.A.