Party: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union, Queensland Branch, Northern District Council


Records, 1909-1967. The Northern District Council of the Queensland Branch of the A.M.I.E.U. was formed as a result of a State Conference held in Rockhampton in 1910. The Council is centred on Townsville and covers a large number of workers employed in the meat export industry.

Minutes of meetings, Australasian Federated Butchers' Employees Union, Cairns branch, 1912-1914.

Minutes of meetings, A.M.I.E.U. Northern District Council, 1909-1967.

Minutes of general meetings, Northern District 1909-1958.

Diary, Northern District Secretary, 1962.

Arbitration transcripts, 1925-1963.

Correspondence, 1924-1967.

Membership registers, 1910-1922.

Newspaper extracts, 1946-1962.

Photographs. 1m 25 cm, inventory available. Apply to archivist for access. W.U.A.: D.80.