Party: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union, Queensland Branch


Records, 1908-1966. Associations of retail butchers' employees were established in Brisbane and Rockhampton in 1889. These Unions, and those established elsewhere in Queensland failed to survive the economic vicissitudes of the 1890s. In 1906 initiatives by the Victorian established Australian Federated Butchers' Employees' Union generated a renewal of Union activity in the Australian meat industry. A branch of the Union was formed in Queensland and the membership widened to include abattoir as well as retail workers. At a conference in 1910 the Queensland branch established a regional system of government in an attempt to overcome the difficulties of communication between the branch office in Brisbane and the widely scattered meatworks. The Union became the Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union in 1912.

Minutes of meetings, Australasian Federated Butchers' Employees' Union, Queensland Branch, 1908-1912.

Minutes of meetings, Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union, Queensland Branch, 1913-1937.

Minutes of meetings, Brisbane Abattoir Production Committee, 1943-1945.

Correspondence, 1931-1953.

Membership lists, 1952.

Arbitration, 1912-1948.

Year book and annual report, Queensland Meat Industry Board, 1934-1963.

Meat Industry Journal, 1938-1951. 1m 26 cm, inventory available. Apply to archivist for access. W.U.A.: D.50.